3 smc_followvelocity – Lenze PLC Designer PLC-Designer (R2-x) SoftMotion User Manual

Page 36

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L-force | PLC Designer - SoftMotion

The SoftMotion drive interface

SM_DriveBasic.lib and automatic code generation



DMS 5.2 EN 03/2011 TD17

This POU writes speed setpoints to the axis and during this process does not carry out any


Inputs (VAR_INPUT)
bExecute: BOOL
By a rising edge the block starts to write the setpoints entered in fSetPosition to the axis

data structure. It remains active until it is interrupted by another block (e.g. MC_Stop).
fSetVelocity: LREAL
Setpoint speed in technical units per second.

Outputs (VAR_OUTPUT)
bBusy : BOOL (Default: FALSE)
With TRUE the block indicates that it is active and that it writes setpoints to the axis.
bCommandAborted : BOOL (Default: FALSE)
If this is TRUE, the block was aborted by another.
bError : BOOL (Default: FALSE)
TRUE indicates that an error has occurred in the function block.
iErrorID : SMC_Error (INT )
Error number