L-force | plc designer - softmotion – Lenze PLC Designer PLC-Designer (R2-x) SoftMotion User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer - SoftMotion

CAM editor

Creating a cam



DMS 5.2 EN 03/2011 TD17

Scaling master axis
The scaling of the master axis is defined here. If 360° is selected, the Minimum, Maximum,

Step and Unit settings will be made automatically (0, 360, 20, °); otherwise you can set

them manually.

Scaling slave axis
The scaling of the slave axis is defined here. The default settings are shown in the

screenshot above.

Select "periodic" to ensure that the function values and the first and second derivatives will

match at the cam's start and end points. Any modifications made to the end point during

editing of the cam will then be ignored.
Close the dialog with OK to confirm your settings.
The name of the cam you have just created will now appear in the left-hand column (cam

list) of the CAM editor window. As long as this entry is selected, the cam will be displayed

in the editor and can be edited (see

Editing a cam

( 88)

). The new cam is displayed in the

two right-hand window panes. You will see the horizontal blue master axes, the blue

position axis (slave) in the upper window pane and the velocity (dark blue) and

acceleration (green) scales in the lower window pane. The following screenshot shows the

default settings in the Properties dialog:

In order to edit the settings the Properties dialog for the currently selected cam can be

reopened at any time by selecting the Settings command from the Extras menu or shortcut

menu or by double-clicking the entry in the cam list.