4 smc_checklimits – Lenze PLC Designer PLC-Designer (R2-x) SoftMotion User Manual

Page 37

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DMS 5.2 EN 03/2011 TD17



L-force | PLC Designer - SoftMotion

The SoftMotion drive interface

SM_DriveBasic.lib and automatic code generation

This block checks whether the current setpoints of the drive exceed the peak values set in

the control system and indicates this via output bLimitsExceeded.

Inputs (VAR_INPUT)
bEnable: BOOL
During bEnable is set the check is carried out.
bCheckVel: BOOL
If this is set, the setpoint speed is checked.
bCheckAccDec: BOOL
If this is set, the setpoint acceleration and deceleration are checked.

Outputs (VAR_OUTPUT)
bError : BOOL (Default: FALSE)
TRUE indicates that an error has occurred in the function block.
iErrorID : SMC_Error (INT )
Error number
bLimitsExceeded : BOOL (Default: FALSE)
TRUE means that the current setpoints exceed the values defined in the control

configuration and saved under fSWMaxVelocity, fSWMaxAcceleration or
