3 drive element drive.lib, 1 lenzecandrive.lib, Drive element drive.lib – Lenze PLC Designer PLC-Designer (R2-x) SoftMotion User Manual

Page 48: Lenzecandrive.lib, L-force | plc designer - softmotion

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L-force | PLC Designer - SoftMotion

The SoftMotion drive interface

Drive element Drive.lib



DMS 5.2 EN 03/2011 TD17


Drive element Drive.lib

 Drive elements are responsible for communication between the IEC program, in

particular the AXIS_REF structures, and the drives. These libraries are usually supplied

by the manufacturer of the control system and have to be integrated in the project.

 DummyDrive.lib is an example of drive element libraries and is supplied with the

SoftMotion libraries. Even if this library does not operate real drives, it functions

according to the same principle.



The LenzeCANdrive.lib function library supports the drive types (Drive.wControlType)

Servo Drive 9400 StateLine and the ECSxM axis module (Motion):

ECSxM axis module (Motion)
Apart from control and status signals, the process data contain the current set position and

actual position.

Servo Drive 9400 StateLine
The process data can be configured. Apart from control and status signals they can contain

the following values:

 Set position and actual position
 Setpoint speed and actual speed
 Setpoint torque and actual torque