Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual
Page 17

Contents and general safety instructions
Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-PB-EN en 1209a
Human Machine Interface; on the MTR-DCI, this is the control panel with
LCD display and 4 operating buttons.
Anchors the dimensional reference system of the axis at a reference
switch or fixed stop.
Homing method
Method for finding the homing point REF: against a fixed stop or with a
reference switch.
Homing mode
Operating mode in which homing is carried out.
Homing point (REF)
The homing point (the ”reference” point = REF) defines a known posi-
tion/orientation within the positioning path of the drive. It is the basic
point of reference for the dimensional reference system.
Homing run
The homing run defines the homing point and therefore the source of the
dimensional reference system for the axis.
Input and/or output
Jog mode
Moving manually in positive or negative direction.
Load voltage,
logic voltage
The load voltage supplies power to the power electronics of the con-
troller and thus to the motor. The logic voltage supplies power to the
evaluation and control logic of the controller.
Motor unit
Integrated unit consisting of a controller, motor, measuring system and,
if applicable, gears (e.g. motor unit type MTR-DCI).
Operation mode
Is used in the following contexts:
Type of access: Record Select, Direct Mode
Internal logical state of the controller: Profile Position Mode,
Profile Torque Mode (force mode), Homing Mode, Demo Mode, ...
Programmable logic controller; or for short: the control system.
Position mode
In the position mode, a target position is specified to which the motor
must move. Changes in position are detected by the internal increment
generator (optical encoder). With a known starting point, the actual posi-
tion of the work load is calculated from the gear reduction and (where
applicable) the feed constant.