2 procedure – Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual
Page 112
5. Commissioning
Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-PB-EN en 1209a
Starting the FCT
1. Connect the MTR-DCI to your PC via the RS232 port. To do
so, follow the instructions in section 3.4.
2. Start the FCT:
Double-click the FCT icon on the desktop.
– or –
Select the entry [Festo Software] [Festo Configuration
Tool] in the Windows [Start] menu.
3. Create a project in the FCT or open an existing project.
Add a device to the project with the MTR-DCI plugin.
4. Create the device connection (online connection) between
the PC and the MTR-DCI via the FCT tool bar. You may
need to adjust the device name to match.
Device control
In order that the FCT can control the connected MTR-DCI, the
control interface of the MTR-DCI must be deactivated and
“control enable” must be set for the FCT (FCT/HMI=On). The
actual status of the ENABLE control bit then has no effect.
Access the “Project output” window, “Operate” tab, then
under “Device control” activate first the box “FCT/HMI”
and then the box “Enable.”
The control interface of the MTR-DCI will then be deacti-
vated and control will be enabled for the FCT.