Triton X-SCALE/X2 Configuration Manual User Manual
Page 291

Software Release Notes
Triton Systems
Page 8 of 16
May 29, 2007
Block Surcharge of Bansi card numbers
The designation of a Bansi Customer BIN as described above will enable the terminal to
distinguish between Bansi and non-Bansi customers, so that the appropriate fee notice screen can
be displayed.
However, if surcharge mode is enabled and a (non-zero) surcharge amount has been entered, the
terminal will send the surcharge value to the host even for Bansi cash transactions, unless the
surcharge fee is blocked.
Here is an example of the ISO Properties dialog, configured to block surcharging for the example
To configure a corresponding ‘Block Surcharge’ action for a Bansi customer BIN, follow these
1. Access the Main Menu/Terminal Configuration/Surcharge Properties dialog in
Management Functions.
2. Select the Add New option to bring up the the ISO Properties dialog.
3. Enter an existing Bansi customer BIN in the ISO Number field and select Block
Surcharge in the Action list.
4. Accept the above settings. The entry will be added to the ISO Properties list (see the
example of the Surcharge Properties dialog later in this section).
By creating a ‘Block Surcharge’ action for each Bansi Customer BIN, the terminal will NOT
send a surcharge value to the host and the Bansi customer will not be surcharged.
Here is an example of the Surcharge Properties dialog with surcharge enabled, a surcharge value
designated and the ISO Properties correctly configured for a Bansi Customer BIN of ‘1234.’:
Important: To complete the surcharge configuration for Bansi BINs, an additional
ISO property called ‘Block Surcharge’ must be added for each Bansi customer