Commission/issuer fees, Ommission, Ssuer – Triton X-SCALE/X2 Configuration Manual User Manual
Page 249
Figure 1
Selecting option 1 will cycle through all available currency codes. The code is displayed in ISO
4217 codes (alphabetic and numeric). The only codes available for this release are:
USD (840)
EUR (978)
All information in the “Currency Data” section as well as the “Currency Description” is read-
only and is displayed for viewing purposes. The currency description string is the text that will
be displayed on the transaction selection screen. This string will be the currency string specified
in ISO 4217. This string will only be displayed in English.
There are five configurable fast cash amounts for the currency.
The fast cash amounts on the standard withdrawal amounts dialog will not be used for currency
exchange transactions and will be disabled.
Selecting “Enter” on this dialog will apply the selected configuration for each currency code.
Pressing “Cancel” will cancel any changes made on this dialog.
Commission/Issuer Fees
This software release supports the capability for the host to send a commission fee to be
presented to the customer for all currency exchange transactions.
Software Release Notes
Triton Systems
Page 9 of 15
October 19, 2007