Rainbow Electronics DS31256 User Manual
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When the DMA begins burst writing data into the FIFO, it will try to completely fill the FIFO with
HDLC packet data even if it that means writing multiple packets. Once the FIFO detects that the DMA
has filled it to beyond the Low Water Mark (or an EOF is reached), the FIFO will begin transferring
32-bit dwords to the HDLC Engine.
One of the unique attributes of the DS31256 is the structure of the DMA. The DMA has been optimized
to maintain maximum flexibility yet reduce the number of bus cycles required to transfer packet data.
The DMA uses a flexible scatter/gather technique, which allows that packet data to be place anywhere
within the 32-bit address space. The user has the option on the receive side of two different buffer sizes
which are called “large” and “small” but that can be set to any size up to 8188 bytes. The user has the
option to store the incoming data either, only in the large buffers, only in the small buffers, or fill a small
buffer first and then fill large buffers as needed. The varying buffer storage options allow the user to
make the best use of the available memory and to be able to balance the tradeoff between latency and bus
The DMA uses a set of descriptors to know where to store the incoming HDLC packet data and where to
obtain HDLC packet data that is ready to be transmitted. The descriptors are fixed size messages that are
handed back and forth from the DMA to the Host. Since this descriptor transfer utilizes bus cycles, the
DMA has been structured to minimize the number of transfers required. For example on the receive
side, the DMA obtains descriptors from the Host to know where in the 32-bit address space to place the
incoming packet data. These descriptors are known as Free Queue Descriptors. When the DMA reads
these descriptors off of the PCI Bus, they contain all the information that the DMA needs to know where
to store the incoming data. Unlike other existing scatter/gather DMA architectures, the DS31256 DMA
does not need to use any more bus cycles to determine where to place the data. Other DMA architectures
tend to use pointers, which require them to go back onto the bus to obtain more information and hence
use more bus cycles.
Another technique that the DMA uses to maximize bus utilization is the ability to burst read and write
the descriptors. The device can be enabled to read and write the descriptors in bursts of 8 or 16 instead
of one at a time. Since there is fixed overhead associated with each bus transaction, the ability to burst
read and write descriptors allows the device to share the bus overhead among 8 or 16 descriptor
transactions which reduces the total number of bus cycles needed.
The DMA can also burst up to 256 dwords (1024 bytes) onto the PCI Bus. This helps to minimize bus
cycles by allowing the device to burst large amounts of data in a smaller number of bus transactions that
reduces bus cycles by reducing the amount of fixed overhead that is placed on the bus.
The Local Bus Block has two modes of operation. It can be used as either a Bridge from the PCI Bus in
which case it is a bus master or it can be used as a Configuration Bus in which case it is a bus slave. The
Bridge Mode allows the Host on the PCI Bus to access the local bus. The DS31256 will map data from
the PCI Bus to the local bus. In the configuration mode, the local bus is used only to control and monitor
the DS31256 while the HDLC packet data will still be transferred to the Host via the PCI Bus.