Table 2-a. restrictions for rev b1/b2 silicon – Rainbow Electronics DS31256 User Manual
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In creating the overall system architecture, the user must balance the port, throughput, and HDLC
channel restrictions of the DS31256.
lists all of the upper-bound maximum restrictions.
Table 2-A. Restrictions for Rev B1/B2 Silicon
Maximum of 16 channelized and unchannelized physical ports
Ports 0 to 2: Maximum data rate of 52Mbps
Ports 3 to 15: Maximum data rate of 10 Mbps
Channelized and with frame interleave interfaces or a minimum of
two/multiple of two consecutive DS0 time slots assigned to one
HDLC channel: 64 T1/E1 channels
Channelized and with byte interleave interfaces: 64 T1/E1 channels
Maximum receive: 132Mbps
Maximum transmit: 132Mbps
Maximum of 256 channels:
If the fast HDLC engine on Port 0 is being used, then it must be
HDLC Channel 1*
If the fast HDLC engine on Port 1 is being used, then it must be
HDLC Channel 2*
If the fast HDLC engine on Port 2 is being used, then it must be
HDLC Channel 3*
*The 256 HDLC channels within the device are numbered 1 to 256.
Internal Device Configuration Registers
All internal device configuration registers (with the exception of the PCI configuration registers, which
are 32-bit registers) are 16 bits wide and are not byte addressable. When the host on the PCI bus accesses
these registers, the particular combination of byte enables (i.e., PCBE signals) is not important, but at
least one of the byte enables must be asserted for a transaction to occur. All registers are read/write,
unless otherwise noted. Not assigned (n/a) bits should be set to 0 when written to allow for future
upgrades. These bits should be treated as having no meaning and could be either 0 or 1 when read.
On a system reset (which can be invoked by either hardware action through the PRST signal or software
action through the RST control bit in the master reset and ID register), all of the internal device
configuration registers are set to 0 (0000h). The local bus bridge mode control register (LBBMC) is not
affected by a software-invoked system reset; it is forced to all zeros only by a hardware reset. The
internal registers that are accessed indirectly (these are listed as “indirect registers” in the data sheet and
consist of the channelized port registers in the Layer 1 block, the DMA configuration RAMs, the HDLC
configuration registers, and the FIFO registers) are not affected by a system reset, so they must be
configured on power-up by the host to a proper state.
lists the steps required to initialize the
Note: After device power-up and reset, it takes 0.625ms to get a port up and operating, therefore, the
ports must wait a minimum of 0.625ms before packet data can be processed.