HP B6960-90078 User Manual
HP Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Printing History
- Conventions
- Contact Information
- Data Protector Documentation
- In This Book
- 1 Introducing Data Protector
- 2 Configuring and Using Backup Devices
- In This Chapter
- Configuring Backup Devices
- Configuring Standalone Devices
- Configuring File Devices
- Configuring Library Devices
- Configuring Libraries with Multiple Systems
- Configuring Magazine Devices
- Configuring Stacker Devices
- Configuring a Library for Mixed Media
- Configuring Devices for Direct Backup
- Support of New Devices
- Using Several Drive Types in a Library
- Shared Devices in the SAN Environment
- Drive Cleaning
- Busy Drive Handling
- Activating Barcode Support
- Activating Cartridge Memory Support
- Disabling a Backup Device
- Removing a Backup Device
- Renaming a Backup Device
- Device Locking
- Device Concurrency, Segment Size, and Block Size
- 3 Configuring Users and User Groups
- 4 Managing Media
- In This Chapter
- Overview of Data Protector Media Management
- Creating a Media Pool
- Adding Media to a Media Pool
- Formatting Media
- Importing Media
- Appending Backups to Media
- Using a Pre-Allocation List of Media for Backup
- Selecting Media for Backup
- Setting Data Protection for Media
- Recycling Media
- Moving Media to Another Pool
- Exporting Media from Data Protector
- Modifying Media Locations
- Modifying Media Descriptions
- Verifying Data on a Medium
- Scanning Media in a Device
- Checking the Condition of a Medium
- Searching for and Selecting a Medium
- Entering a Medium into a Device
- Ejecting a Medium from a Device
- Vaulting Media
- Copying Media
- Detection of Write-Protected Media
- Using Different Media Format Types
- Modifying Views in the Media Management Window
- 5 Backup
- In This Chapter
- Configuring a Backup
- Backing Up UNIX Systems
- Backing Up Windows Systems
- Backing Up Novell NetWare Systems
- Backing Up OpenVMS Systems
- Backing Up in a Direct Backup Environment
- Scheduling Unattended Backups
- Selecting a Backup Type: Full or Incremental
- Using Backup Templates
- Groups of Backup Specifications
- Using Backup Options
- Pre- and Post-Exec Commands
- Managing Failed Backups
- 6 Restore
- 7 Monitoring, Reporting, Notifications, and the Event Log
- In This Chapter
- Monitoring Sessions
- Monitoring Several Cells Simultaneously
- Data Protector Reporting
- Report Types
- Report Send Methods
- Configuring Reports Using the Data Protector GUI
- Running Reports and Report Groups Using the Data Protector GUI
- Running Reports and Report Groups Using the Command-Line Interface
- Data Protector Notifications
- Configuring Reports and Notifications on the Web
- Data Protector Event Log
- 8 Manager-of-Managers Environment
- 9 Managing the Data Protector Internal Database
- In This Chapter
- About the Data Protector Internal Database
- The IDB Architecture
- Configuring the IDB
- Maintaining the IDB
- Restoring the IDB
- Recovering the IDB
- Overview of IDB Recovery Methods
- Identifying the Level of Database Corruption
- Performing Guided Autorecovery
- Handling Minor Database Corruption in the DCBF Part
- Handling Major Database Corruption in the Filenames Part
- Recovering the IDB Using IDB Recovery File and Changed Device
- Recovering the IDB Without the IDB Recovery File
- Recovering the IDB from a Specific IDB Session
- Replaying IDB Transaction Logs
- Recovering the IDB to a Different Disk Layout
- Updating the IDB by Importing Media
- 10 Disaster Recovery
- In This Chapter
- Introduction
- Preparing for a Disaster Recovery
- Assisted Manual Disaster Recovery of a Windows System
- Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery of a Windows Client
- Enhanced Automated Disaster Recovery of a Windows System
- One Button Disaster Recovery of a Windows System
- Automated System Recovery
- Restoring the Data Protector Cell Manager Specifics
- Advanced Recovery Tasks
- Manual Disaster Recovery of an HP-UX Client
- Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery of an UNIX Client
- Manual Disaster Recovery of an UNIX Cell Manager
- Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery on Windows
- 11 Customizing the Data Protector Environment
- In This Chapter
- Global Options File
- Using Omnirc Options
- Firewall Support
- Limiting the Range of Port Numbers
- Port Usage in Data Protector
- Examples of Configuring Data Protector in Firewall Environments
- Example 1: Disk Agent and Media Agent Installed Outside, Other Components Installed Inside a Fire...
- Example 2: Disk Agent Installed Outside, Other Components Installed Inside a Firewall
- Example 3: GUI Installed Inside, Other Components Installed Outside a Firewall
- Example 4: Application Agent and Media Agent Installed Outside, Other Components Installed Inside...
- 12 Troubleshooting
- In This Chapter
- Before Calling Your Support Representative
- Data Protector Log Files
- Debugging
- Browsing Troubleshooting Messages
- When You Cannot Access Online Troubleshooting
- Description of Common Problems
- Troubleshooting Networking and Communication
- Troubleshooting Data Protector Services and Daemons
- Troubleshooting Devices and Media
- Troubleshooting Backup and Restore Sessions
- Filenames Are Not Displayed Correctly in GUI
- Full Backups Are Performed Instead of Incrementals
- Unexpected Mount Request for a Standalone Device
- The media in the device are in a media pool that has the Non Appendable policy
- The media in the device are not formatted and the media pool to be used has a Strict policy
- The media in the device are not formatted and the media pool to be used has a Loose policy
- The media in the device are formatted but are different from those in the preallocation list
- Unexpected Mount Request for a Library Device
- Unexpected Mounted Filesystems Detected
- Data Protector Fails to Start a Scheduled Session
- Data Protector Fails to Start an Interactive Session
- Poor Backup Performance on Novell NetWare Server
- Data Protector Fails to Start Parallel Restore Media Agent on Novell NetWare Clients
- Backup Protection Expiration
- Troubleshooting Application Database Restores
- Problems with non-ASCII Characters in Filenames
- Troubleshooting Data Protector Installation
- Troubleshooting User Interface Startup
- Troubleshooting the IDB
- Troubleshooting Reporting and Notifications
- Troubleshooting Data Protector Online Help
- Check Whether Data Protector Functions Properly
- 13 Integrations with Other Applications
- In This Chapter
- Cluster Integrations with Data Protector
- Microsoft Cluster Server Integration
- MC/ServiceGuard Integration
- Veritas Cluster Integration
- Novell NetWare Cluster Integration
- Data Source Integration (DSI)
- Application Response Measurement (ARM) Integration
- ManageX Integration
- Access Points for System and Management Applications
- 14 ADIC/GRAU DAS and STK ACS Libraries
- In This Chapter
- ADIC/GRAU DAS and STK ACS Integrations
- The ADIC/GRAU DAS Library Device
- The STK ACS Library Device
- Direct Access to the Library: Installation and Configuration
- Media Management Basics
- Connecting Library Drives
- Installing the ACS Media Agent to Use the StorageTek Library
- Using Data Protector to Configure the STK ACS Library
- Indirect Access to the Library: Installation and Configuration
- Using Data Protector to Access the STK ACS Library
- Troubleshooting Library Installation and Configuration
- A Further Information
- In This Appendix
- Backing Up and Restoring UNIX Specifics
- Data Protector Commands
- Performance Considerations
- Example of Scheduled Eject of Media
- Examples of Pre-Exec and Post-Exec Commands for UNIX
- Disaster Recovery: Move Kill Links on HP-UX 11.x
- Creating a libaci.o on AIX
- Example of the Package Configuration File
- Example of the Package Control File
- Data Protector Log Files Example Entries
- Windows Manual Disaster Recovery Preparation Template
- Changing Block Size on Windows Media Agent
- Glossary
- access rights
- Active Directory
- application agent
- application system
- archived redo log
- archive logging
- ASR Set
- autochanger
- autoloader
- backup API
- backup chain
- backup device
- backup generation
- backup object
- backup owner
- backup session
- backup set
- backup set
- backup specification
- backup system
- backup types
- backup view
- BC
- BC
- BC
- BC Process
- boolean operators
- boot volume/disk/partition
- CA
- catalog protection
- CDF file
- cell
- Cell Manager
- centralized licensing
- Centralized Media Management Database (CMMDB)
- channel
- circular logging
- client backup
- client backup with disk discovery
- client
- CMD Script for OnLine Server
- COM+ Registration Database
- command-line interface
- concurrency
- control file
- data file
- data protection
- Data Protector Event Log
- Data Protector user account
- data stream
- database library
- database parallelism
- database server
- Dbobject
- DC directory
- delta backup
- device
- device chain
- device group
- device streaming
- DHCP server
- differential backup
- differential backup
- differential database backup
- direct backup
- directory junction
- Directory Store (DS)
- disaster recovery
- Disk Agent
- Disk Agent concurrency
- disk discovery
- disk group
- disk image (rawdisk) backup
- disk quota
- Distributed File System (DFS)
- DNS server
- domain controller
- DR image
- drive
- drive index
- dynamic client
- EMC Symmetrix Agent (SYMA)
- EMC Symmetrix Application Programming Interface (SYMAPI)
- EMC Symmetrix CLI Database File
- EMC Symmetrix Command-Line Interface (SYMCLI)
- emergency boot file
- Enterprise Backup Environment
- EVA Agent
- Event Logs
- exchanger
- exporting media
- Extensible Storage Engine (ESE)
- failover
- FC bridge
- Fibre Channel
- Fibre Channel bridge
- File Replication Service (FRS)
- file version
- filesystem
- first level mirror
- fnames.dat
- formatting
- free pool
- full backup
- full database backup
- full mailbox backup
- global options file
- group
- hard recovery
- heartbeat
- Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)
- Holidays file
- host backup
- hosting system
- HP OpC
- HP OpenView SMART Plug-In (SPI)
- HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP LDEV
- HP StorageWorks Virtual Array LUN
- HSV Element Manager
- importing media
- incremental backup
- incremental backup
- incremental mailbox backup
- incremental1 mailbox backup
- incremental (re)-establish
- incremental restore
- Inet
- Information Store (MDB)
- Initialization Parameter File
- initializing
- Installation Server
- instant recovery
- integrated security
- Internet Information Server (IIS)
- IP address
- jukebox
- library
- lights-out operation
- load balancing
- local and remote recovery
- lock name
- log_full shell script
- logging level
- logical-log files
- login ID
- login information to the Oracle Target Database
- login information to the Recovery Catalog Database
- Lotus C API
- Magic Packet
- mailbox
- Mailbox Store
- Main Control Unit (MCU)
- Manager-of-Managers (MoM)
- Media Agent
- media allocation policy
- media condition
- media condition factors
- media ID
- media label
- media location
- media management session
- media pool
- media set
- media type
- media usage policy
- merging
- Microsoft Exchange Server
- Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000
- Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS)
- mirror
- mirror rotation
- MoM
- mount request
- mount point
- MU number
- multi-drive server
- obdrindex.dat
- OBDR capable device
- object
- Object ID
- offline recovery
- offline redo log
- OmniStorage
- On-Bar
- onbar utility
- online backup
- online redo log
- OnLine Server
- OpC
- Oracle instance
- original system
- original unit
- original storage
- overwrite
- ownership
- package
- pair status
- parallel restore
- parallelism
- physical device
- post-exec
- pre- and post-exec commands
- prealloc list
- pre-exec
- Primary Volume (P-VOL)
- Private Information Store
- protection
- public folder store
- public/private backed up data
- RAID Manager Library
- RAID Manager XP
- rawdisk backup
- Recovery Catalog
- Recovery Catalog Database
- RecoveryInfo
- Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- recycle
- redo log
- Remote Control Unit
- Removable Storage Management Database
- reparse point
- replica unit
- replica storage version
- replica storage pool
- replica storage rotation
- restore session
- SA Agent
- scan
- scanning
- Scheduler
- Secondary Volume (S-VOL )
- session
- session ID
- session key
- shadow copy
- shadow copy provider
- shadow copy set
- shared disks
- slot
- snapshot
- snapshot backup
- source (R1) device
- source medium
- sparse file
- split mirror backup
- split mirror backup
- split mirror restore
- sqlhosts file
- SRD file
- SSE Agent
- sst.conf file
- st.conf file
- stackers
- standard security
- Storage Group
- StorageTek ACS library
- switchover
- Sybase Backup Server API
- Sybase SQL Server
- Symmetrix Agent (SYMA)
- Symmetrix Application Programming Interface (SYMAPI)
- Symmetrix CLI Database File
- Symmetrix Command-Line Interface (SYMCLI)
- System Backup to Tape
- system databases
- system disk
- system partition
- System State
- system volume/disk/partition
- SysVol
- tablespace
- tapeless backup
- target database
- target (R2) device
- target medium
- target system
- Terminal Services
- thread
- TimeFinder
- transaction
- transaction backup
- transaction backup
- transaction log backup
- transaction log files
- transaction logs
- transaction log table
- unattended operation
- user account
- user disk quotas
- user group
- user profile
- user rights
- vaulting media
- verify
- Virtual Device Interface
- virtual disk
- virtual server
- volser
- volume group
- volume mountpoint
- Volume Shadow Copy service
- VxFS
- VxVM (Veritas Volume Manager)
- Wake ONLAN
- Web reporting
- Windows CONFIGURATION backup
- Windows Registry
- WINS server
- writer
- XBSA interface
- XCopy engine
- ZDB disk backup
- ZDB disk/tape backup
- ZDB part of the IDB
- ZDB tape backup
- zero downtime backup (ZDB)
- Index