HP 7750 User Manual
Operating the cisco ics 7750, Accessing the system

Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
This chapter explains how to operate the Cisco Integrated Communications
System 7750 (Cisco ICS 7750) after initial configuration is complete. The chapter
is organized as follows:
Accessing the System, page 5-1
Backing Up System Data, page 5-23
Setting Security Privileges, page 5-30
Setting Security Privileges, page 5-30
Shutting Down the System, page 5-31
Accessing the System
This section tells how to access the Cisco ICS 7750 and gives guidelines for best
practices when accessing the system:
Accessing the System During Initial Configuration, page 5-2
Accessing the System After Initial Configuration, page 5-2
Accessing ICS System Manager, page 5-4
Navigating in ICS System Manager, page 5-5
Using ICS System Manager, page 5-6
Document Outline
- Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
- Accessing the System
- Accessing the System During Initial Configuration
- Accessing the System After Initial Configuration
- Accessing ICSConfig
- Accessing ICS System Manager
- Navigating in ICS System Manager
- Using ICS System Manager
- Accessing Cisco CallManager
- Accessing SPE310s
- Best Practices for Using Microsoft SQL Server
- Best Practices for Configuring DHCP
- Best Practices for Using the Cisco IOS CLI
- Using Peripherals with SPE310s
- Backing Up System Data
- Setting Security Privileges
- Shutting Down the System
- Accessing the System