1 smar t.t u rn units – HEIDENHAIN SW 54843x-03 DIN Programming User Manual
Page 62

smart.Turn units
2.1 smar
The Contour form
In the contour form you define the contours to be machined. A
difference is made between the direct contour definition (G80) and the
reference to an external contour definition (FINISHED or
AUXIL_CONTOUR program sections).
Soft keys in the ICP contour form
Opens the selection list of the contours
defined in the program.
Shows all contours in the graphics
window. Use the arrow keys for
Starts the ICP editor. First, enter the
desired contour name in FK.
Starts the ICP editor with the currently
selected contour.
Opens the graphics window for
selection of a part of a contour for NS
and NE.
ICP contour definition parameters
Auxiliary contour: Name of the contour to be machined
You can select an existing contour or describe a new contour
with ICP.
Contour start block number: Beginning of contour section
Contour end block number: End of contour section
NE not programmed: The contour element NS is machined
in the direction of contour definition.
NS=NE programmed: The contour element NS is
machined opposite to the direction of contour definition.
Machine form elements (default: 0)
A chamfer/rounding arc is machined:
0: At start and end of the contour
1: At start of the contour
2: At end of the contour
3: No machining
4: Only chamfer/rounding is machined—not the basic
element. (Requirement: the contour section consists of a
single element)
XA, ZA Starting point of blank (only effective if no blank was
XA, ZA not programmed: The workpiece blank contour is
calculated from the tool position and the ICP contour.
XA, ZA programmed: Definition of the corner point of the
workpiece blank.
Break duration: Time span for interruption of the feed. The
chip is broken by the (intermittent) interruption of the feed.
Feed duration: Time interval until the next break. The chip is
broken by the (intermittent) interruption of the feed.
The listed soft keys are only selectable if the input cursor
is in the FK field, or on NS or NE.