Rechucking the workpiece in the main spindle, 5 f u ll-surf ace mac h ining with turn plus – HEIDENHAIN SW 54843x-03 DIN Programming User Manual
Page 580

5 F
ace mac
ining with TURN PLUS
Automatic program creation for full-surface
During automatic program creation (AWG) the machining steps for the
first setup are created first. Then AWG opens a dialog window that
requests the parameters for rechucking.
Default values that were calculated by AWG from the defined
workpiece contour are already entered in the parameters in the dialog
window. You can use or change these values. After you have
confirmed the values, AWG generates the machining sequence for
the second setup.
Rechucking the workpiece in the main spindle
The subprogram for "rechucking in the main spindle" is defined in the
user parameter Parameter list – manual rechucking (standard
program: Rechuck_manual.ncs).
At the end of the machining sequence, define a machining step with
the rechucking main machining operation and the full-surface
submachining operation.
In parameter D of the chucking equipment description, select the main
spindle for both pieces of chucking equipment.
Transferring the workpiece from the main
spindle to the opposing spindle
The subprogram for "transferring the workpiece from the main spindle
to the opposing spindle" is defined in the user parameter Parameter
list – complete rechucking
(standard program:
At the end of the machining sequence, define a machining step with
the rechucking main machining operation and the full-surface
submachining operation.
In parameter D of the chucking equipment description, select the main
spindle for the first chucking equipment and the opposing spindle for
the second chucking equipment.
In the user parameters the machine manufacturer defines
the input parameters to be displayed in the dialog
windows during rechucking.
You can also include further input parameters in the dialog
windows. To do this, select the required parameters list
(Processing/ExpertPrograms/Parameter lists for expert
programs) in the user parameters. In the desired
parameter enter a default value that is assigned to this
parameter in the dialog window. Enter 9999999 to display
the parameter without a default value.
Beispiel: Defining the chucking equipment
. . .
H0 D0 R0 J80 K15 X120 Q4 V0
H0 D0 R1 J15 K-15 X68 Q4 V0
. . .
Beispiel: Defining the chucking equipment
. . .
H0 D0 R0 J80 K15 X120 Q4 V0
H0 D3 R1 J15 K-15 X68 Q4 V0
. . .