17 contour-based turning cycles, Working with contour-based cycles – HEIDENHAIN SW 54843x-03 DIN Programming User Manual
Page 270

DIN Programming
-based t
ing cy
4.17 Contour-based turning cycles
Working with contour-based cycles
Possibilities of transferring the contour to be machined to the cycle:
Transferring the contour reference in the start block number and the
end block number. The contour area is machined in the direction
"from NS to NE."
Transferring the contour reference via the name of the auxiliary
contour (ID). The complete auxiliary contour is machined in the
direction of contour definition.
Describing the contour with G80 in the block directly after the cycle
(see „Cycle end / Simple contour G80” on page 294).
Describing the contour with G0, G1, G2 and G3 blocks directly after
the cycle. The contour is concluded by G80 without parameters.
Possibilities of defining the workpiece blank for calculating the number
of cutting passes:
Defining a global workpiece blank in the BLANK program section.
Regeneration of the workpiece blank is automatically active. The
cycle uses the specified workpiece blank.
If no workpiece blank is defined, the cycle calculates the blank from
the contour to be machined and the position of the tool during cycle
call. Contour follow-up is not active.
Finding the block references:
Place cursor in NS or NE input field
Press the soft key
Select the contour element:
Use the horizontal arrow keys to select the contour
Use the vertical arrow keys to switch between
contours (also face contours, etc.).
Switch between NS and NE:
Press the NS soft key
Press the NE soft key
Press the soft key to confirm the block number and
return to the dialog.
Beispiel: Contour-based cycles
. . .
N1 G810 NS7 NE12 P3 [block reference]
N2 ...
N3 G810 ID"007" P3 [name of auxiliary
N4 ...
N5 G810 ID"007" NS9 NE7 P3 [combination]
N6 ...
N7 G810 P3 [predefined contour description]
N8 G80 XS60 ZS-2 XE90 ZE-50 AC10 WC10
BS3 BE-2 RC5 EC0
N10 G810 P3 [direct contour description]
N11 G0 X50 Z0
N12 G1 Z-62 BR4
N13 G1 X85 AN80 BR-2
N14 G1 Zi-5
N15 G80
N16 ...
. . .