HEIDENHAIN SW 54843x-03 DIN Programming User Manual
Smart.turn and din programming
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- smart.Turn and DIN PLUS programming
- About this manual
- NC programming
- smart.Turn units
- 2.1 smart.Turn units
- 2.2 Units—Roughing
- 2.3 Units—Recessing
- 2.4 Units—Centric drilling
- 2.5 Units—Drilling in C axis
- "Single hole, face" unit
- "Linear pattern drilling, face" unit
- "Circular pattern drilling, face" unit
- "Tapping, face" unit
- "Linear tapping pattern, face" unit
- "Circular tapping pattern, face" unit
- "Single hole, lateral surface" unit
- "Linear pattern drilling, lateral surface" unit
- "Circular pattern drilling, lateral surface" unit
- "Tap hole, lateral surface" unit
- "Linear tapping pattern, lateral surface" unit
- "Circular tapping pattern, lateral surface" unit
- "ICP drilling, C axis" unit
- "ICP tapping, C axis" unit
- "ICP boring/countersinking, C axis" unit
- 2.6 Units—Predrilling in C axis
- "Predrill, contour mill, figures on face" unit
- "Predrill, contour mill, ICP on face" unit
- "Predrill, pocket mill, figures on face" unit
- "Predrill, pocket mill, ICP on face" unit
- "Predrill, contour mill, figures on lateral surface" unit
- "Predrill, contour mill, ICP on lateral surface" unit
- "Predrill, pocket mill, figures on lateral surface" unit
- "Predrill, pocket mill, ICP on lateral surface" unit
- 2.7 Units—Finishing
- 2.8 Units—Threads
- 2.9 Units—Milling, face
- "Slot, face" unit
- "Linear slot pattern, face" unit
- "Circular slot pattern, face" unit
- "Face milling" unit
- "Face milling ICP" unit
- "Thread milling" unit
- "Contour milling, figures, face" unit
- "ICP contour milling, face" unit
- "Pocket milling, figures, face" unit
- "ICP pocket milling, face" unit
- "Engraving, face" unit
- "Deburring, face" unit
- 2.10 Units—Milling, lateral surface
- "Slot, lateral surface" unit
- "Linear slot pattern, lateral surface" unit
- "Circular slot pattern, lateral surface" unit
- "Helical slot milling" unit
- "Contour milling, figures, lateral surface" unit
- "ICP contour milling, lateral surface" unit
- "Pocket milling, figures, lateral surface" unit
- "ICP pocket milling, lateral surface" unit
- "Engraving, lateral surface" unit
- "Deburring, lateral surface" unit
- 2.11 Units—Special operations
- smart.Turn units for the Y axis
- 3.1 Units—Drilling in the Y axis
- 3.2 Units—Predrilling in Y axis
- 3.3 Units—Milling in Y axis
- "ICP contour milling in XY plane" unit
- "ICP pocket milling in XY plane" unit
- "Single-surface milling, XY plane" unit
- "Centric polygon milling, XY plane" unit
- "Engraving in XY plane" unit
- "Deburring in XY plane" unit
- "Thread milling in XY plane" unit
- "ICP contour milling in YZ plane" unit
- "ICP pocket milling in YZ plane" unit
- "Single-surface milling, YZ plane" unit
- "Centric polygon milling, YZ plane" unit
- "Engraving in YZ plane" unit
- "Deburring in YZ plane" unit
- "Thread milling in YZ plane" unit
- DIN Programming
- 4.1 Programming in DIN/ISO mode
- 4.2 Definition of workpiece blank
- 4.3 Basic contour elements
- 4.4 Contour form elements
- 4.5 Attributes for contour description
- 4.6 C-axis contours— Fundamentals
- 4.7 Front and rear face contours
- Starting point of front/rear face contour G100-Geo
- Line segment in front/rear face contour G101- Geo
- Circular arc in front/rear face contour G102/ G103-Geo
- Bore hole on front/rear face G300-Geo
- Linear slot on front/rear face G301-Geo
- Circular slot on front/rear face G302/G303-Geo
- Full circle on front/rear face G304-Geo
- Rectangle on front/rear face G305-Geo
- Eccentric polygon on front/rear face G307-Geo
- Linear pattern on front/rear face G401-Geo
- Circular pattern on front/rear face G402-Geo
- 4.8 Lateral surface contours
- Starting point of lateral surface contour G110-Geo
- Line segment in a lateral surface contour G111-Geo
- Circular arc in lateral surface contour G112/ G113-Geo
- Hole on lateral surface G310-Geo
- Linear slot on lateral surface G311-Geo
- Circular slot on lateral surface G312/G313-Geo
- Full circle on lateral surface G314-Geo
- Rectangle on lateral surface G315-Geo
- Eccentric polygon on lateral surface G317-Geo
- Linear pattern on lateral surface G411-Geo
- Circular pattern on lateral surface G412-Geo
- 4.9 Tool positioning
- 4.10 Linear and circular movements
- 4.11 Feed rate, shaft speed
- 4.12 Tool-tip and cutter radius compensation
- 4.13 Zero point shifts
- 4.14 Oversizes
- 4.15 Safety clearances
- 4.16 Tools, compensations
- 4.17 Contour-based turning cycles
- Working with contour-based cycles
- Longitudinal roughing G810
- Face roughing G820
- Contour-parallel roughing G830
- Contour cycle, bidirectional (contour-parallel with neutral tool) G835
- Recessing G860
- Repeat recessing cycle G740/G741
- Recess turning cycle G869
- Recessing cycle G870
- Finish contour G890
- Measuring cut G809
- 4.18 Contour definitions in the machining section
- Cycle end / Simple contour G80
- Linear slot on front/rear face G301
- Circular slot on front/rear face G302/G303
- Full circle on front/rear face G304
- Rectangle on front/rear face G305
- Eccentric polygon on front/rear face G307
- Linear slot on lateral surface G311
- Circular slot on lateral surface G312/G313
- Full circle on lateral surface G314
- Rectangle, lateral surface G315
- Eccentric polygon, lateral surface G317
- 4.19 Thread cycles
- 4.20 Parting cycle
- 4.21 Undercut cycles
- 4.22 Drilling cycles
- Overview of drilling and boring cycles and contour reference
- Drilling cycle G71
- Boring, countersinking G72
- Tapping G73
- Tapping G36—Single path
- Deep-hole drilling G74
- Linear pattern, face G743
- Circular pattern, face G745
- Linear pattern, lateral surface G744
- Circular pattern, lateral surface G746
- Thread milling, axial G799
- 4.23 C-axis commands
- 4.24 Front/rear-face machining
- 4.25 Lateral surface machining
- 4.26 Milling cycles
- Overview of milling cycles
- Linear slot on face G791
- Linear slot on lateral surface G792
- Contour and figure milling cycle, face G793
- Contour and figure milling cycle, lateral surface G794
- Area milling, face G797
- Helical-slot milling G798
- Contour milling G840
- Pocket milling, roughing G845
- Pocket milling, finishing G846
- 4.27 Engraving cycles
- 4.28 Contour follow-up
- 4.29 Other G codes
- Chucking equipment in simulation G65
- Workpiece blank contour G67 (for graphics)
- Period of dwell G4
- Precision stop G7
- Precision stop off G8
- Precision stop G9
- Switch off protection zone G60
- Actual values in variables G901
- Zero-point shift in variables G902
- Lag error in variables G903
- Read interpolation information G904
- Feed rate override 100 % G908
- Interpreter stop G909
- Spindle override 100 % G919
- Deactivate zero-point shifts G920
- Deactivate zero-point shifts, tool lengths G921
- End position of tool G922
- Fluctuating spindle speed G924
- Convert lengths G927
- Calculate variables automatically G940
- Misalignment compensation G976
- Activate zero-point shifts G980
- Activate zero-point shifts, tool lengths G981
- Monitoring zone G995
- Load monitoring G996
- Activate direct program-run continuation G999
- Converting and mirroring G30
- Transformations of contours G99
- Spindle synchronization G720
- C-angle offset G905
- Traversing to a fixed stop G916
- Controlled parting using lag error monitoring G917
- Force reduction G925
- Sleeve monitoring G930
- Eccentric turning G725
- Transition to eccentric G726
- Eccentric X G727
- 4.30 Data input and data output
- 4.31 Programming variables
- 4.32 Conditional block run
- 4.33 Subprograms
- 4.34 M commands
- 4.35 G codes from previous controls
- 4.36 DINplus program example
- 4.37 Connection between geometry and machining commands
- 4.38 Full-surface machining
- Touch probe cycles
- 5.1 General information on touch probe cycles (software option)
- 5.2 Touch probe cycles for single- point measurement
- 5.3 Touch probe cycles for two- point measurement
- 5.4 Calibrating the touch probe
- 5.5 Measuring with touch probe cycles
- 5.6 Search cycles
- 5.7 Circular measurement
- 5.8 Angular measurement
- 5.9 In-process measurement
- Measure workpieces (option)
- Switch on measurement G910
- Measuring path monitoring G911
- Measured value capture G912
- End in-process measuring G913
- Switch off measuring-path monitoring G914
- In-process measurement example: Measuring and compensating workpieces
- In-process measurement example: Measuring and compensating workpieces (measure_pos_move.ncs)
- DIN programming for the Y axis
- 6.1 Y-axis contours— Fundamentals
- 6.2 Contours in the XY plane
- Starting point of contour in XY plane G170-Geo
- Line segment in XY plane G171-Geo
- Circular arc in XY plane G172-Geo/G173-Geo
- Hole in XY plane G370-Geo
- Linear slot in XY plane G371-Geo
- Circular slot in XY plane G372-Geo/G373-Geo
- Full circle in XY plane G374-Geo
- Rectangle in XY plane G375-Geo
- Eccentric polygon in XY plane G377-Geo
- Linear pattern in XY plane G471-Geo
- Circular pattern in XY plane G472-Geo
- Single surface in XY plane G376-Geo
- Centric polygon in XY plane G477-Geo
- 6.3 Contours in the YZ plane
- Starting point of contour in YZ plane G180-Geo
- Line segment in YZ plane G181-Geo
- Circular arc in YZ plane G182-Geo/G183-Geo
- Hole in YZ plane G380-Geo
- Linear slot in YZ plane G381-Geo
- Circular slot in YZ plane G382-Geo/G383-Geo
- Full circle in YZ plane G384-Geo
- Rectangle in YZ plane G385-Geo
- Eccentric polygon in YZ plane G387-Geo
- Linear pattern in YZ plane G481-Geo
- Circular pattern in YZ plane G482-Geo
- Single surface in YZ plane G386-Geo
- Centric polygon in YZ plane G487-Geo
- 6.4 Working planes
- 6.5 Tool positioning in the Y axis
- 6.6 Linear and circular movements in the Y axis
- 6.7 Milling cycles for the Y axis
- Area milling—roughing G841
- Area milling—finishing G842
- Centric polygon milling—roughing G843
- Centric polygon milling—finishing G844
- Pocket milling—roughing G845 (Y axis)
- Pocket milling—finishing G846 (Y axis)
- Engraving in XY plane G803
- Engraving in the YZ plane G804
- Thread milling in XY plane G800
- Thread milling in YZ plane G806
- Hobbing G808
- 6.8 Example program
- 7.1 TURN PLUS mode of operation
- 7.2 Automatic working plan generation (AWG)
- 7.3 Machining information
- 7.4 Example
- 7.5 Full-surface machining with TURN PLUS
- Rechucking the workpiece
- Defining the chucking equipment for full-surface machining
- Automatic program creation for full-surface machining
- Rechucking the workpiece in the main spindle
- Transferring the workpiece from the main spindle to the opposing spindle
- Parting and picking-off the workpiece with the opposing spindle
- B axis
- Overview of units
- Overview of G codes