Ivoclar Vivadent IPS Empress CAD Chairside - de-en-es-it-ru User Manual
Page 83

The cut-back is conducted in 3 steps. Only in this way is a targeted and controlled reduction possible. The following
working procedure should be observed:
– Use only suitable grinding instruments for the cut-back (e.g. ceramic-bonded grinding instruments and diamonds) at low
– Too much pressure and excess heat development during grinding must be prevented.
– The thickness of the reduced IPS Empress CAD restoration must not fall below the required minimum of 0.5 mm.
– Step 1: Proximal cut-back - the mesial and distal ridges are reduced.
– Step 2: Labial/incisal cut-back - volume and length are tapered and reduced
– Step 3: Mamelon cut-back - design life-like mamelons using abrasive silicone disks at low pressure.
– Refrain from designing too extreme mamelons with undercuts.
Too much pressure and excess heat development during cut-back must be prevented.
Step 1: Proximal cut-back – the mesial and distal ridges are reduced.
Step 2: Labial/incisal cut-back – volume and length are tapered and reduced.
Completed cut-back of the incisal third.
Step 3: Mamelon cut-back – design life-like mamelons using abrasive silicone disks.
Refrain from designing too extreme mamelons with undercuts.