Hypertherm V9 Series Phoenix Rev.11 User Manual
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Phoenix 9.76.0 Installation and Setup Manual 806410
2 – Machine Setup
Rotate Home Switch: Indicates that the machine has traveled to its rotate axis home position. When the rotate axis is
homed, it moves in the specified home direction at the Fast Home Speed until the input is activated. The
rotate axis decelerates to a stop, moves in the opposite direction at the Slow Home Speed until the switch is
Sensor THC Enable: Indicates which Sensor THCs are active when multiple Sensor THCs are commanded by the
CNC as separate axes. This input is now supported by the Station Select input.
Spare: Activated through the part program. If a spare input is located in the part program, the CNC pauses the process
until the input state is detected. The spare inputs can be implemented with specific EIA “O” and “M” codes
that indicate the input number and function. For more information, refer to the
Programmer’s Reference.
Speed Limit Input: Limits the machine speed for safety during machine testing and maintenance. When this input is
active, motion is limited to the user-defined Limited Machine Speed selected in the password protected
Speeds screen
Station Select Input: Indicates which Sensor THC is active when multiple Sensor THCs are commanded by the CNC
as separate axes. Also tracks consumable data for the specified plasma or oxy torch. Stations 1 – 8 are
designated for plasma; stations 9 – 20 are designated for oxyfuel.
Test Lifter: Performs a test IHS function with a Sensor THC.
THC Automatic: Used as an external input to switch the Sensor THC between automatic and manual operation.
THC Cut Sense: Verifies that the plasma torch or marker tool has established the arc for the selected Sensor THC and
indicates to the CNC that motion can begin.
THC Homing to Limit: The THC Enable Input is used during Sensor THC Homing as the Current Limit input if the
Home to Hard Stop Current Limited option is selected.
THC Homing to Switch: The Nozzle Contact Sense Input is used during Sensor THC Homing as the Home Switch
input, if the Home to Switch option is selected.
Tilt +/-: Used for manual jog commands for the tilt axis.
Tilt Home Feature: Uses the Tilt Overtravel Switch input to indicate that the machine has traveled to its tilt axis home
position. When the Tilt axis is homed, it moves in the specified home direction at the Fast Home Speed until
the input is activated. The tilt axis decelerates to a stop and moves in the opposite direction at the Slow
Home Speed until the switch is deactivated. See also Tilt Overtravel Switch.
Tilt +/- Overtravel Switch: Indicates that the machine has traveled to its full positive travel in the Tilt axis. If hardware
overtravels are enabled and this input is activated, the CNC stops all motion, generates a fault message and
only allows manual motion in the Tilt axis opposite direction. The Tilt Overtravel Input is also used for homing
the tilt axis.
Tool Cycle Active: Activated from a PLC to pause motion until the input turns off. Used when a PLC is controlling other
tool cycles such as drilling and tapping. After the input turns off, the program motion resumes.