Hypertherm V9 Series Phoenix Rev.11 User Manual

Page 119

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Phoenix 9.76.0 Installation and Setup Manual 806410


3 – Torch Height Control Axis Setup

Most gains affect the raising and lowering of the torch, and improve the accuracy of the initial height sense motion.
Voltage gain is the only gain that affects cutting.

The following definitions provide the default or recommended value for each parameter. These values are appropriate for
the majority of applications.

Speed: This gain value regulates the speed of the lifter. Set Speed Gain after you enter the value for Maximum Speed.

Set the Maximum Speed

before optimizing Speed Gain.

Optimize the Speed Gain value before attempting to change either the Position or Voltage gains. Manual
motion and approaching the workpiece during automatic IHS require regulated speeds. If this value is too
high, the lifter speed regulation will become unstable and prone to oscillation. If this value is too low, the
speed regulation can become slow and inaccurate. Test this value by repeatedly raising and lowering the
lifter in Manual mode. To optimize this gain, raise this value until there is a very slight oscillation during manual
operation and then reduce the setting by 1.

Range: 1 to 10; ArcGlide: 5

Position: This gain is a multiplier for closed-loop positioning. Adjust Position Gain after you find the appropriate value for

Speed Gain.

The THC uses position-based moves to move the torch to the IHS height and to the retract height at the end
of a cut.

If this value is too high, the lifter positioning will become unstable and prone to oscillation. If this value is too
low, the positioning can become slow and inaccurate.

Test this gain by repeatedly executing IHS TEST and checking that the lifter quickly and accurately reaches
the IHS and Retract Heights.

To optimize this gain, raise the value until there is a very slight oscillation when the torch settles into the IHS
or Retract positions and then reduce the setting by 1.

Range: 1 to 10; ArcGlide: 5.

Voltage: This gain is used when the THC operates with a closed-loop arc voltage control. Adjust this value after you find

the appropriate value for Speed Gain.

If this value is set too high, the lifter position during closed-loop arc voltage control will become unstable and
prone to oscillation. If this value is too low, the arc voltage control can become slow and inaccurate. Test
voltage gain by repeatedly performing a test cut under closed-loop arc voltage control and verify that the
THC quickly and accurately reaches the set arc voltage.

To optimize this gain, raise this value until there is a very slight oscillation during a cut and then reduce the
setting by 1 or 2.

Range: 1 to 10; ArcGlide: 5