Digital input definitions – Hypertherm V9 Series Phoenix Rev.11 User Manual
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Phoenix 9.76.0 Installation and Setup Manual 806410
2 – Machine Setup
Torch Collision Uses: Determines the type of response that is used when the Torch Collision input is active. You can
select a Fast Stop Decel value or the Fault Ramp time that has been selected for the individual axis.
Inputs Inverted: Defines which inputs are used by the CNC and their physical location on the CNC interface. All CNCs
are shipped with the default selection of inputs and interface locations for I/O.
Analog Offset 1 – 12: The CNC constantly applies this offset to the incoming analog signal. The offset is subtracted
from the incoming voltage and the CNC displays the voltage after this offset is subtracted.
Outputs: Thirty two discrete digital outputs are standard on the CNC and are used as a mask to determine whether the
output is to be treated as a normally open or closed contact.
Outputs Logic: The Logic Selection Box allows the user to select the Logic state for each input to be either normally
open or normally closed. The logic state for the inputs can be switched by selecting the output and pressing
the space key.
Output Logic Selection Box: The Output Logic Selection box feature defines which inputs will be used by the CNC,
and their physical location on the CNC interface. All CNCs are shipped with the default selection of outputs.
Drive Enables: Determines how the CNC responds to drive faults. If you select Series, all axes must complete their
individual fault ramp times before the drives are disabled. If you select Independent, each drive is disabled as
soon as its axis fault ramp time is finished.
Initial Feedback Delay: Allows the initial feedback from the drive system to be delayed after initial power up. This
allows the drive system to become fully enabled before it enables the position loop.
Fume Extraction Delay: Enter the number of seconds after the end of a part program that the fume exhaust remains on.
Digital Input Definitions
Arc Error Counter 1 – 8: Used as part of consumable data tracking, this input triggers a counter on the Change
Consumable screen. A Plasma Enable Input must be mapped to enable this input.
Cut/Mark Sense 1 & 2: Verifies that the plasma torch or marker tool has established the arc for the selected process.
This indicates to the CNC that motion can begin. (Type “V” CNCs.)
Cut Sense: Indicates that the plasma arc has transferred to the work piece. If the Arc On Feedback setup parameter is
ON, machine motion begins at the activation of this input. (Type “M” and “P” CNCs.)
Drive Disabled: Causes the CNC to stop all motion and generate a fault message. Position information is lost.
Enable Oxy Fuel 1 – 12: Used for tracking consumable data for the specified oxy torch. This input is now supported by
the Station Select input.
Enable Plasma 1 – 8: Used for tracking consumable data for the specified plasma torch. This input is supported by the
Station Select input.
Fast Stop: Used as an urgent stop input command to the CNC. When the Fast Stop input becomes active, the CNC
decelerates motion using the Fast Deceleration Rate on the Speeds screen and forces the operator to the
Pause screen. One second after the input becomes active, the Drive Enable output from the CNC turns off
and disables motion. Position information and I/O points are maintained while the input is active. This allows
the operator to recover the last position after the input has been cleared.