Hypertherm V9 Series Phoenix Rev.11 User Manual
Page 272

Phoenix 9.76.0 Installation and Setup Manual 806410
15 – Oxyfuel Application
Controlling proportional gas regulators with analog outputs
Hypertherm CNCs provide analog outputs that can control proportional gas regulators. Using this strategy allows you to
reduce the number of regulators needed for the gas delivery system from six as shown earlier in this section, to three as
shown below. Analog outputs are available for three channels: fuel gas, preheat oxygen, and pierce/cut oxygen.
Setting up your oxyfuel cutting system in this manner requires a SERCOS drive system to control the extended number
of analog outputs.
High preheat fuel
Fuel gas
Oxygen gas
Preheat oxygen
Cut and pierce oxygen
Bleed-off fuel
Bleed-off preheat oxygen
Fuel gas
Preheat oxygen
Cut and pierce oxygen
Gas solenoid valve, normally closed
Manual pressure regulator
Flow control valve
Torch 2
Torch 1
Each torch has its own supply lines:
Cut oxygen 1 and 2
Preheat oxygen 1 and 2
Fuel 1 and 2
Bleed-off cut oxygen