Entering the slide length – Hypertherm V9 Series Phoenix Rev.11 User Manual
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Phoenix 9.76.0 Installation and Setup Manual 806410
3 – Torch Height Control Axis Setup
a. The THC moves at the maximum speed for 1/10th of the slide length then changes to Fast IHS speed.
b. At the IHS Start Height, the CNC begins monitoring the Nozzle Contact Sense input and the THC axis following
error. The THC continues to move at the Fast IHS speed until the torch tip touches the workpiece.
c. The CNC records the height of the workpiece, then the THC retracts to the transfer height at the Slow IHS
Any other IHS in a cutting job uses faster speeds: Maximum THC Speed to the Start IHS Height, then Fast IHS speed to
the plate, then Slow IHS Speed to the Transfer Height.
Entering the slide length
The slide length is the amount of travel of the lifter. The CNC uses the slide length when changing speeds during the IHS.
The CNC subtracts 5.08 mm (0.2 inches) from the slide length to ensure the lifter does not contact a hard stop when
homing. Use the following test to determine the slide length.
Before running the test, remove the torch from the lifter to prevent any damage to the torch when you jog the
This test requires that you jog the lifter to the hard stop. Be sure to change the THC Jog Speed to the Slow IHS
speed, as stated in the following steps, to avoid any damage to the lifter when it contacts the hard stop.
1. Choose Setups > Watch, choose Position for the lower location, and choose THC Position.
2. Choose Machine Setups > Axes > Sensor THC Axis. Enter a slide length value that is larger than then the actual
slide length.
3. From the Main screen, choose Manual (press F11 on the keyboard or choose the Manual icon) > Home Axes > THC.
Choose OK to exit the screen.
4. Choose Manual Options.
5. Choose Slow IHS for the THC Jog Speed.
6. Lower the lifter until it reaches its full travel distance at the bottom of the slide.
7. Note the THC position. This value equals the total slide length.
8. Enter this value into the Sensor THC Axis screen.
Assigning the Sensor THC to an axis and selecting an analog input
1. Choose Setups > Password > Machine Setups.
2. Choose the number of Sensor THCs installed.
3. For each Sensor THC:
a. Choose from THC1, THC2, and so on, to identify the torch height control.
b. Choose the axis for the THC.
The THC can be assigned to Axis 3 and higher. The CNC uses Axes 1 and 2 for Transverse and Rail. Axis 3
becomes Dual Gantry if one is used. If not, then the Sensor THC can be assigned to Axis 3.