I/o and diagnostics, Hpr diagnostics – Hypertherm V9 Series Phoenix Rev.11 User Manual
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Phoenix 9.76.0 Installation and Setup Manual 806410
7 – Plasma Setup
I/O and diagnostics
After serial link communication has been established between the power supply and the CNC, I/O and remote
diagnostics screens are accessible through the standard Diagnostic screen. You can view status for the plasma supply
software revision, gas pressure, usage, I/O and remote tools.
Status items for the supply are available on the Information screen.
HPR diagnostics
Test Preflow: Tests the preflow gases at the power supply. This feature is used to set the inlet gas pressures under
normal flow conditions to the recommended level.
Test Cutflow: Tests the cutflow gases at the power supply. This feature is used to set the inlet gas pressures under
normal flow conditions to the recommended level.
Test HPR Gas Console: Performs automated tests for the HPR Auto Gas console. Contact an authorized service agent
for use of these tests.
Coolant Override: Overrides a coolant error and tests the coolant pump. This is useful for bypassing the error and
purging the coolant line of air bubbles at initial power up.
Update Software: Initiates the software update at the power supply. Step-by-step instructions are displayed on screen
to guide you through the process.