Guntermann & Drunck DVICenter DP16 Config Panel User Manual
Page 187

CDS multihead groups
G&D DVICenter · 185
2. Click the (right arrow) icon.
Every new display range of a target module is displayed as a grey rectangle (1 × 1
unit) with a black frame. The display range is placed on a free space.
The name of the target module and the resolution of its display range are shown
within the rectangle.
How to remove a display range from the workspace:
1. On the right-hand side of the workplace, select the rectangle that symbolizes the
display range you want to delete..
2. Click the (left arrow) icon.
The module list on the left-hand side shows an entry for each deleted rectangle.
How to move a display range within the workspace:
1. Move the mouse over the rectangle that symbolizes the display range you want
to move.
2. Press and hold the
left mouse key
while dragging the rectangle to the desired posi-
tion within the workspace.
If the frame of the rectangular turns
while dragging it
the position is already
occupied and therefore not valid.
Drag the over the right or the bottom frame if the workspace is too small for the
desired position. This way, the workspace becomes automatically larger.
3. Release the left mouse key when a
frame is displayed.
You can also use »drag and drop« mouse operations or the rectan-
gles’s context menu.
to select multiple display ranges at the same time.
You can also use »drag and drop« mouse operations or the rectan-
gles’s context menu.
Exact switching is possible only if the monitor arrangement stored in
the web application complies with the arrangement at the workstation.
Empty spaces between display ranges are not valid.