Document revision history, Document revision history -1 – Altera Avalon Verification IP Suite User Manual
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Document Revision History
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The following table shows the revision history for this document.
Made the following changes:
• Revised the VHDL API arguments. The following changes were made for
all VHDL procedures:
• Removed the
argument from
• Changed the
argument to
for all
, and
• Changed the first argument to the
procedures to the return value.
• Added support for VHDL for the conduit and tri-state conduit interfaces.
• Updated Qsys tutorial to work in with Quartus II 14.0 software.
• Added Avalon-MM Testbenches for Verilog HDL and VHDL. This chapter
provides the following testbenches:
• Verilog HDL testbench for single Avalon-MM Master and Slave pair.
• Verilog HDL testbench for 2 Avalon-MM Masters that both connect to
2 Avalon-MM Slaves.
• VHDL testbench for single Avalon-MM Master and Slave pair.
• Verilog HDL testbench for 2 Avalon-MM Masters that both connect to
2 Avalon-MM Slaves.
• Reformatted.
June 2014
Added information on VHDL support for verification IP.
Removed information on the following wrappers. These wrappers are not
supported in the Quartus II software version 13.0 and higher.
• Avalon-MM master BFM with Avalon-ST API wrapper
• Avalon-MM slave BFM with Avalon-ST API wrapper
• Avalon-ST source BFM with Avalon-ST API wrapper
• Avalon-ST sink BFM with Avalon-ST API wrapper
Removed references to SOPC Builder.
May 2013
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. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with
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agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
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