Altera Avalon Verification IP Suite User Manual

Page 214

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Running the Verilog HDL Testbench for the Two Avalon-MM Masters and Slaves

1. Unzip

to a working directory.

2. Open



3. Complete the following steps to generate the testbench:

a. On the Generate menu, select Generate HDL.
b. Specify the parameters shown in the following table:

Table 17-2: Generation Parameters




Leave this option off

Create HDL design files for synthesis

Leave this option off

Create timing and resource estimates for third-party
EDA synthesis tools

Leave this option on

Create block symbol file (.bsf)



Create simulation model

Leave this option off

Allow mixed-language simulation

Output Directory



c. Click Generate.

The Qsys Generate window displays informational messages as it generates the testbench.

d. Close the Generate window.

4. Start the ModelSim simulator.
5. To run the simulation, type the following command in your working directory:

do run_simulation.tcl

This command compiles all the required HDL files, elaborates, and runs the simulation.

Avalon-MM Verilog HDL and VHDL Testbenches

Altera Corporation

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Running the Verilog HDL Testbench for the Two Avalon-MM Masters and Slaves
