1 romsize feature, Memory access, Nternal – Maxim Integrated High-Speed Microcontroller User Manual

Page 77: Rogram, Emory

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High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide

Rev: 062210

77 of 176

Another advantage of internal data memory is that it guarantees a two-machine cycle data memory
access. This data can be made nonvolatile on the DS87C530 through the use of an external battery.
Restricting memory operations within the on–chip memory allows ports 0 and 2 to be used for general
purpose I/O. For more information concerning memory size for a specific device, consult the
corresponding data sheet.

Upon a power-on reset, the internal data memory area is disabled and transparent to the system map. Any
memory access between 0000h and FFFFh will be directed to the Expanded bus. This allows the device to
remain drop-in compatible with existing 87C52 designs. To enable the internal SRAM area, software
must configure the Data Memory Enable bits DME1, DME0 (


.1-0). The three memory

configurations shown in

Table 6-A

are supported to allow either external data memory access via the

expanded bus, internal data memory access, or read-only access to the EPROM System Control Byte.
Note that these bits are cleared after a reset, so access to the internal data memory is prohibited until these
bits are modified. The contents of internal data memory are not affected by the changing of the Data
Memory Enable bits.

Table 6-A. Data Memory Access Control








External Data Memory (default)

0000h–03FFh Internal



0 1


External Data Memory

1 0



0000h–03FFh Internal



0400h–FFFBh Reserved

System Control Byte (Read only)

1 1

FFFDh–FFFFh Reserved

6.2.1 ROMSIZE Feature

Members of the high-speed microcontroller family that incorporate internal program memory allow the
system to dynamically vary the on-chip memory size. This permits the device to reconfigure the upper
limit of on-chip memory, allowing a portion of the memory to be mapped off-chip. The size of on-chip
memory can vary from 0kB to the full range of memory, allowing the device to behave like a device with
less on-chip memory.

This feature has two primary uses. In the first instance, it allows the device to act as a bootstrap loader for
a flash memory or nonvolatile SRAM (NV SRAM). The internal program memory can contain a
bootstrap loader, which can program the external memory device. Secondly, this method can be used to
increase the amount of available program memory from 64kB to 80kB without bank switching.

The maximum amount of on-chip memory is selected by configuring the ROM Size Select register bits
RMS2, RMS1, RMS0 (


.2-0). The modification of the


register must be followed by

a two-machine cycle delay, such as executing two NOP instructions, before jumping to the new address
range. Interrupts must be disabled during this operation, because a jump to the interrupt vector during the
changing of the memory map can cause erratic results. In addition, modification of the



must be done from a location that will be valid both before and after the on-chip memory configuration. If
off-chip memory access is planned, it is recommended that ports 0 and 2 not be used as general purpose
I/O, as their state will be disturbed by the memory operations. The settings for the


register are

shown in

Table 6-B

. Note that the memory configurations shown are not available on all devices.