33 status register (status), Status, 4) and xtoff – Maxim Integrated High-Speed Microcontroller User Manual
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High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide
Rev: 062210
45 of 176
Status Register (STATUS)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R-0 R-0 R-0 R-0* R-0 R-0
R-0 R-0
R = Unrestricted Read, W = Unrestricted Write, -n = Value after Reset, * = See description
Bit 7
Power-Fail Priority Interrupt Status. When set, this bit indicates that software is
currently servicing a power-fail interrupt. It is cleared when the program executes the
corresponding RETI instruction. This bit is indeterminate on devices that do not
incorporate the power-fail interrupt.
Bit 6
High Priority Interrupt Status. When set, this bit indicates that software is currently
servicing a high priority interrupt. It is cleared when the program executes the
corresponding RETI instruction.
Bit 5
Low Priority Interrupt Status. When set, this bit indicates that software is currently
servicing a low priority interrupt. It is cleared when the program executes the
corresponding RETI instruction.
Bit 4
Crystal Oscillator Warmup Status. This bit indicates whether the CPU crystal
oscillator has completed the 65,536 cycle warmup and is ready to operate from the
external crystal or oscillator. This bit is cleared each time the crystal oscillator is
restarted following an exit from Stop mode or the XTOFF bit (
cleared, this bit prevents software from setting the XT/
RG bit (
operation from the crystal. Note that XTUP differs from the RGMD bit (
.2) in that
XTUP shows the status of the crystal while RGMD shows the current clock source. This
bit is set to 1 following a power–on reset, but is unaffected by other forms of reset.
Bit 3
Serial Port 1 Transmit Activity Monitor. When set, this bit indicates that data is
currently being transmitted by serial port 1. It is cleared when the internal hardware sets
the TI_1 bit. Do not alter the Clock Divide Control bits (
or serial port data may be lost.
On the DS8xC520 and DS8xC530, this bit does not accurately indicate serial port 1
transmit activity if a character is written to
while TI_1 is high. If software
intends to poll this bit, first clear the TI_1 bit before writing each character to
Bit 2
Serial Port 1 Receive Activity Monitor. When set, this bit indicates that data is
currently being received by serial port 1. It is cleared when the internal hardware sets
the RI_1 bit. Do not alter the Clock Divide Control bits (
or serial port data may be lost.
Bit 1
Serial Port 0 Transmit Activity Monitor. When set, this bit indicates that data is
currently being transmitted by serial port 0. It is cleared when the internal hardware sets
the TI_1 bit. Do not alter the Clock Divide Control bits (
or serial port data may be lost.
On the DS8xC520 and DS8xC530, this bit does not accurately indicate serial port 0
transmit activity if a character is written to
while TI_0 is high. If software
intends to poll this bit, first clear the TI_0 bit before writing each character to
Bit 0
Serial Port 0 Receive Activity Monitor. When set, this bit indicates that data is
currently being received by serial port 0. It is cleared when the internal hardware sets
the RI_1 bit. Do not alter the Clock Divide Control bits (
or serial port data may be lost.