51 real-time clock control register (rtcc), Extended interrupt priority (eip), Rtcc – Maxim Integrated High-Speed Microcontroller User Manual
Page 55: 7). the contents of this register, 5). this register should

High-Speed Microcontroller User’s Guide
Rev: 062210
55 of 176
Real-Time Clock Control Register (RTCC)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RW-* RW-* RW-* RW*-0 RT*-0 R*-* RT-*
R = Unrestricted Read, W = Unrestricted Write, T = Timed Access Write Only, -n = Value after Reset, * = See Description
Bit 7
RTC Subsecond Register Compare Enable. This bit enables a match Bit 7 between
the Real-Time Alarm Subsecond Register (
;F2h) and the Real-Time Clock
Subsecond Register (
;FAh) to contribute to the RTC interrupt request. This bit
will be indeterminate following a no-battery reset, and is unaffected by all other resets.
0 = The subsecond value is a don’t care when evaluating the RTC alarm. If any other
alarm register compare bits are enabled, this will cause one interrupt per subsecond tick
(1/256 second) for as long as the other registers match.
1 = Include the subseconds along with any other registers when evaluating alarm
compare conditions.
Bit 6
RTC Second Register Compare Enable. This bit enables a match between the Real-
Time Alarm Second Register (
;F3h) and the Real-Time Clock Second Register
;FBh) to contribute to the RTC interrupt request. This bit will be indeterminate
following a no-battery reset, and is unaffected by all other resets.
0 = The second value is a don’t care when evaluating an RTC alarm. If any other alarm
register compare bits are enabled, this will cause one interrupt per second as long as the
other registers match.
1 = Include the second along with any other registers when evaluating alarm compare
Bit 5
RTC Minute Register Compare Enable. This bit enables a match between Bit 5 the
Real-Time Alarm Minute Register (
;F4h) and the Real-Time Clock Minute
Register (
;FCh) to contribute to the RTC interrupt request. This bit will be
indeterminate following a no-battery reset, and is unaffected by all other resets.
0 = The minute value is a don’t care when evaluating an RTC alarm. If any other alarm
register compare bits are enabled, this will cause one interrupt per minute as long as the
other registers match.
1 = Include the minute along with any other registers when evaluating alarm compare
Bit 4
RTC Hour Register Compare Enable. This bit enables a match between the Real-
Time Alarm Hour Register (
;F5h) and the Real-Time Clock Hour Register
;FDh) to contribute to the RTC interrupt request. This bit will be indeterminate
following a no-battery reset, and is unaffected by all other resets.
0 = The hour value is a don’t care when evaluating an RTC alarm. If any other alarm
register compare bits are enabled, this will cause one interrupt per hour for as long as
the other registers match.
1 = Include the hour along with any other registers when evaluating alarm compare
Bit 3
RTC Read Enable. This bit temporarily halts internal updating of the RTC to allow
software to read the current time. No loss of time will occur. This bit will be cleared to
0 following any reset. Attempts to set the RTCRE and RTCWE bits simultaneously will
be ignored. When this bit is cleared, software must wait 4 machine cycles before setting
either the RTCRE or RTCWE bit again.
0 = Reads of the RTC clock registers (
;FFh) are prohibited and will return erroneous