7 timer 2 modes, 1 16-bit timer/counter, 2 16-bit timer with capture – Maxim Integrated High-Speed Microcontroller User Manual

Page 126: Timer two mode control register (t2mod) summary, Timer 2 capture registers (rcap2l, rcap2h) summary

7 timer 2 modes, 1 16-bit timer/counter, 2 16-bit timer with capture | Timer two mode control register (t2mod) summary, Timer 2 capture registers (rcap2l, rcap2h) summary | Maxim Integrated High-Speed Microcontroller User Manual | Page 126 / 176 7 timer 2 modes, 1 16-bit timer/counter, 2 16-bit timer with capture | Timer two mode control register (t2mod) summary, Timer 2 capture registers (rcap2l, rcap2h) summary | Maxim Integrated High-Speed Microcontroller User Manual | Page 126 / 176