4 ec directives/ declaration of conformity, 1 what is the purpose of ec directives, 2 what does the ce mark imply – Lenze 8200 Frequency inverters User Manual

Page 20: Ec directives/declaration of conformity, What is the purpose of ec directives, What does the ce mark imply, Preface and general information, 4 ec directives/declaration of conformity

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Preface and general information




EC Directives/Declaration of Conformity


What is the purpose of EC directives?

EC directives are issued by the European Council and are intended for the
determination of common technical requirements (harmonisation)and certification
procedures within the European Community. At the moment, there are 21 EC
directives of product ranges. The directives are or will be converted to national laws
of the member states. A certification issued by one member state is valid
automatically without any further approval in all other member states.

The texts of the directive are restricted to the essential requirements. Technical
details are or will be determined by European harmonised standards.


What does the CE mark imply?

After a verification, the conformity according to the EC directives is certified by
affixing a CE mark. Within the EC there are no commercial barriers for a product
with the CE mark.

The enclosure of a conformity certification is not necessary according to most
directives. Therefore, the customer is not able to appreciate which of the 21 EC
directives applies to a product and which harmonised standards are considered
in the conformity verification.

Controllers on their own with the CE mark exclusively correspond to the Low
Voltage Directive. For the compliance with the EMC Directive only general
recommendations have been issued so far. The CE conformity of the installed
machine remains the responsibility of the user. For the installation of CE-typical
drive systems, Lenze has already proved the CE conformity to the EMC Directive.

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