Apple Color 1.5 User Manual
Page 43

Stage 6:
Grading Your Program in Color
Use Color to grade your program. When working on a roundtrip from Final Cut Pro, it's
crucial to avoid unlocking tracks or reediting shots in the Timeline. Doing so can
compromise your ability to send the project back to Final Cut Pro.
If the client needs a reedit after you've started grading, you should instead perform the
edit back in Final Cut Pro, and export an XML version of the updated sequence which
you can use to quickly update the Color project in progress using the Reconform
command. For more information, see
Stage 7:
Rendering New Source Media and Sending the Updated Project to
Final Cut Pro
When you finish grading, you use the Color Render Queue to render all the shots in the
project as a new, separate set of graded media files.
Afterward, you need to send the updated project to Final Cut Pro using one of the two
following methods:
• If Color is installed on the same computer as Final Cut Pro, you can use the Send To
Final Cut Pro command.
• If you're handing the color-corrected project back to the originating facility, you need
to export the Color project as an XML file for later import into Final Cut Pro.
Some parameters in the Project Settings tab of the Setup room affect how
the media is rendered by Color. These settings include the Deinterlace Renders, QuickTime
Export Codec, Broadcast Safe, and Handles settings. Be sure to verify these and other
settings prior to rendering your final output.
Stage 8:
Adjusting Transitions, Superimpositions, and Titles in Final Cut Pro
To output your project, you need to import the XML project data back into Final Cut Pro.
This happens automatically if you use the Send To Final Cut Pro command. At this point,
you can add or adjust other effects that you had applied previously in Final Cut Pro, before
creating the program's final master. Things you may want to consider while prepping
the program at this stage include:
• Do you need to produce a "textless" master of the program, or one with the titles
rendered along with the image?
• Are there any remaining effects clips that you need to import and color correct within
Final Cut Pro?
Stage 9:
Outputting the Final Video Master to Tape or Rendering a Master QuickTime
Once you complete any last adjustments in Final Cut Pro, you can use the Print to Video,
Edit to Tape, or Export QuickTime Movie command to create the final version of your
Chapter 2
Color Correction Workflows