Relinking media – Apple Color 1.5 User Manual

Page 104

background image

Note: The source directory you choose can be either a local volume, or a volume on a
SAN or LAN with sufficient performance to accommodate the data rate of the project’s

Browse Button: This button opens the file browser, allowing you to set the source

directory for the EDL you want to import. Choosing a directory populates the Source
Directory field.

Relinking Media

If necessary, you can manually relink media to a Color project. When you use the Relink
command, Color matches each shot in the Timeline with its corresponding media file
using the following criteria:

• Starting timecode

• Filename

If neither of these criteria matches, you’re given the following warning:

If you click Yes and proceed with relinking to a different file, then the original Source In
and Source Out values for that shot will be overwritten with those of the new clip.

To relink every shot in your project


Choose File > Reconnect Media.


Choose the directory where the project’s media is saved from the Choose Media Path
dialog, then click Choose.

If that directory contains all the media used by the project, then every shot in the Timeline
is automatically relinked. If there are still missing media files, you are warned, and these
shots will remain offline; you need to use the Reconnect Media command again to relink

To relink a single shot in the Timeline


Control-click or right-click a shot in the Timeline, then choose Relink Media from the
shortcut menu.


Choose a clip to relink to from the Select Media To Relink dialog, then click Load.

If the name and starting timecode of the media file matches that of the shot in the
Timeline, the media link is restored.


Chapter 4

Importing and Managing Projects and Media