Apple Color 1.5 User Manual

Page 226

background image

To correct this, you need to simultaneously lower the red channel and raise the blue
channel, which you can do by dragging the Highlight color balance control. The easy
way to remember how to make a correction of this nature is to drag the color balance
control handle toward the secondary of the color that's too strong. In this case, the color
cast is a reddish/orange, so dragging the color control in the opposite direction, toward
bluish/cyan, rebalances the color channels in the appropriate manner. The Midtone color
balance control is used because the majority of the image that's being adjusted lies
between 80 and 20 percent.

If you watch the Parade scope while you make this change, you can see the color channels
being rebalanced, while you also observe the correction affecting the image on your
broadcast display.

There are three color balance controls in the Primary In, Secondaries, and Primary Out
rooms. Each one lets you make adjustments to specific tonal regions of the image.


Chapter 9

The Primary In Room