Translate, Utility nodes, Color – Apple Color 1.5 User Manual
Page 310: Deinterlace, Hsl key, Output

Offsets the image relative to the upper-right corner. This node has two parameters:
• Horizontal Offset: Moves the image left.
• Vertical Offset: Moves the image down.
Utility Nodes
The following nodes don’t combine images or create effects on their own. Instead, they
output color channel information or extract matte imagery in different ways. All these
nodes are meant to be used in combination with other layering and effects nodes to
create more complex interactions.
Produces a frame of solid color. This can be used with different layering nodes to add
colors to various operations. This node has one control:
• Color: A standard color control lets you choose the hue, saturation, and lightness of
the color that’s generated.
Removes the interlacing of a shot in one of three ways, corresponding to three buttons.
You can use this node to either remove interlacing by blending the fields together, or
you can use two Deinterlace nodes to separate the Even and Odd fields of an interlaced
shot prior to processing each field separately and reassemble them using the Interlace
node. This node has three buttons:
• Merge: Outputs the blended combination of both fields.
• Even: Outputs only the Even field, line-doubled to preserve the current resolution.
• Odd: Outputs only the Odd field, line-doubled to preserve the current resolution.
An HSL keyer that outputs a grayscale matte which you can use to isolate effects using
the Alpha Blend node, or simply to combine with other layering nodes in different ways.
This keyer works identically to the one found in the Secondaries room. For more
information, see
Choosing a Region to Correct Using the HSL Qualifiers
This must be the last node in any node tree. It outputs the effect created within the Color
FX room to the main Color image processing pipeline for rendering. If an Output node
is not connected to the node tree, that effect will not be rendered by the Render Queue.
Chapter 11
The Color FX Room