Controls in the still store bin – Apple Color 1.5 User Manual
Page 386

Controls in the Still Store Bin
The Still Store bin has the following controls:
• Up Directory button: Clicking this button takes you to the next directory up the current
path. You cannot exit the project bundle. To keep your project organized you should
make sure that you save all your stills within the “StillStore" directory of your project
• Home Directory button: Changes the directory path to the “StillStore” directory within
your project bundle.
• Icon View: Changes the Still Store bin to icon view. Each saved still image is represented
by a thumbnail, and all stills are organized according to the date and time they were
saved, with the oldest stills appearing first (from left to right).
• List View: In list view, all still images and directories are represented by two columns;
the still image file’s name appears to the left, and the date of its creation appears to
the right. All stills are organized according to the date and time they were saved, with
the oldest appearing at the top and the newest at the bottom.
• Icon Size slider: When the Still Store bin is in icon view, this slider lets you increase and
decrease the size of the thumbnails that are displayed for each still.
• File field: This field does double duty. When you load a still image, this field displays
the still image’s name. However, if you enter a custom name and then save another
still, the new still will be created with the name you entered.
• Directory pop-up menu: This pop-up menu shows you the current directory path and
lets you navigate farther up the current directory structure, if you wish.
• New Folder button: Creates a new subdirectory inside the StillStore directory of your
project bundle.
Chapter 16
The Still Store