Apple Color 1.5 User Manual

Page 366

background image


Enter a name into the Shape Name field, then press Return. (This step is optional.)


Click the Attach button to use the shape in the secondary tab.

A duplicate of the shape you just drew appears in the list, which shows the number of
the grade and the secondary tab to which it’s attached. (The original shape you drew
remains in the list above, ready to be recycled at a future time.) At this point, you’re ready
to use that shape in the Secondaries tab to which it’s been attached.

To adjust a shape


Drag any of its control points in any direction.

Unlike Bezier splines, B-Splines have no tangents to adjust. The only adjustments you can
make require using the number and position of control points relative to one another.

To reposition a shape


Drag its green center handle in any direction.

The center handle is the point around which keyframing and motion tracking
transformations are made.

To resize a shape


Make sure the Main button is selected in the Shapes tab.


Drag a selection box around every control point you want to resize.


Chapter 15

The Geometry Room