Chapter 28. spanning-tree commands, Spanning-tree, Spanning-tree mode – Allied Telesis AT-S94 CLI (AT-8000S Series) User Manual

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Allied Telesis
AT-8000S-S94-3.0 Command Line Interface User’s Guide

Chapter 28.Spanning-Tree Commands


The spanning-tree Global Configuration mode command enables spanning-tree functionality. Use the no form of
this command to disable spanning-tree functionality.



no spanning-tree


This command has no arguments or keywords.

Default Configuration

Spanning-tree is enabled.

Command Modes

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

There are no user guidelines for this command.


The following example enables spanning-tree functionality.

spanning-tree mode

The spanning-tree mode Global Configuration mode command configures the spanning-tree protocol. Use the
no form of this command to return to the default configuration.


spanning-tree mode {stp | rstp| mstp}

no spanning-tree mode


stp — Indicates that the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled.

rstp — Indicates that the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is enabled.

mstp — Indicates that the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) is enabled.

console(config)# spanning-tree