Chapter 2. acl commands, Ip access-list, Permit (ip) – Allied Telesis AT-S94 CLI (AT-8000S Series) User Manual

Page 25: Chapter 2.acl commands, Ip access-list permit (ip), Chapter 2. "acl commands" — define

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ACL Commands

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Chapter 2. ACL Commands

ip access-list

The ip access-list Global Configuration mode command defines an IPv4 Access List and places the device in
IPv4 Access List Configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the Access List.


ip access-list access-list-name

no ip access-list access-list-name


access-list-name — Name of the IPv4 Access List. (Range: 1 - 32 characters)

Default Configuration

No IPv4 Access List is defined

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

IPv4 ACLs are defined by a unique name. An IPv4 ACL and MAC ACL cannot share the same name.


The following example places the device in IPv4 Access List Configuration mode.

permit (ip)

The permit IP Access-list Configuration mode command sets conditions to allow a packet to pass a named IP
Access List.


permit {any | protocol} {any | {source source-wildcard}} {any | {destination destination-wildcard}} [dscp number |
ip-precedence number] [fragments]

permit-icmp {any | {source source-wildcard}} {any | {destination destination-wildcard}} {any | icmp-type} {any |
icmp-code} [dscp number | ip-precedence number]

permit-igmp {any | {source source-wildcard}} {any | {destination destination-wildcard}} {any | igmp-type} [dscp
number | ip-precedence number]

permit-tcp {any | { source source-wildcard}} {any | source-port} {any |{ destination destination-wildcard}} {any |
destination-port} [dscp number | ip-precedence number] [flags list-of-flags]

console(config)# ip access-list