Pf3000 owners registration – Ag Leader PF3000 Harvest & Application Operators Manual User Manual
Page 259

PF3000 Owners Registration
The PF3000 is an upgradable product. You will not
receive free operating program upgrades unless you
send in this registration form.
Return this sheet in the enclosed postage-paid envelope or by fax.
515-232-3595 - fax
Ag Leader Technology
2202 South Riverside Drive
P.O. Box 2348
Ames, Iowa 50010
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP: ______________________________________________________________
Phone # (including area code): _________________________________________________
Mobile Phone #: ________________________
Fax #: __________________________
Email Address:__________________________________________________________________
Intended Use (Please circle all that apply): Combine Sprayer Planter ATV
Other, please specify____________________________________________
Ag Leader Dealer:____________________________________________________________
Dealer Address:______________________________________________________________
Combine Model #: ________________ Combine Serial #: _________________________
PF3000 Serial #: __________________ Flow Sensor Serial #: _____________________
Elevator Mount Serial #:________________