LevelOne FGL-2870 User Manual
Page 796

QinQ Tunneling See 802.1Q tunnel
QoS 3-262, 4-365
configuring 3-262, 4-365
dynamic assignment 3-119, 4-167
Quality of Service See QoS
queue weights 3-257, 4-360
logon authentication 3-73, 4-115
settings 3-73, 4-115
rate limits, setting 3-179, 4-263
remote logging 3-37, 4-60
restarting the system 3-41, 4-14, 4-16
at scheduled times 3-41, 4-14
RSA encryption 3-93, 3-95, 4-141
RSTP 3-188, 4-270
global settings, configuring 3-194,
global settings, displaying 3-191,
interface settings, configuring 3-201,
interface settings, displaying 3-198,
running configuration files
displaying 4-30
configuration 3-90, 4-136
security, general measures 3-109,
serial port, configuring 3-32, 4-44
flow configuration 3-68,
port groups, source 3-66, 4-103
target device 3-68, 4-106
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol See
Simple Network Management Protocol
SMTP, sending log events 3-39, 4-63
community string 3-51, 4-90
enabling traps 3-52, 4-94
engine identifier, local 3-55, 4-95
engine identifier, remote 3-56, 4-95
filtering IP addresses 3-107, 4-155
groups 3-61, 4-98
trap manager 3-52, 4-92
users, configuring 3-57, 3-59
views 3-64, 4-96
SNTP, setting the system clock 3-43,
displaying version 3-15, 4-34
downloading 3-26, 4-37
Spanning Tree Protocol See STA
specifications, software A-1
SSH 3-90, 4-136
configuring 3-90, 4-136
server, configuring 3-97, 4-138
SSL, replacing certificate 3-89, 4-37
STA 3-188, 4-268
BPDU filter 3-205, 4-283
BPDU flooding 3-195, 3-202, 4-284
BPDU shutdown 3-205, 4-284
detecting loopbacks 3-190, 4-286
edge port 3-200, 3-204, 4-281
global settings, configuring 3-194,
global settings, displaying 3-191,
interface settings, configuring 3-201,
interface settings, displaying 3-198,
link type 3-200, 3-203, 4-286
loopback detection 3-190, 4-286
MSTP path cost 4-288
MSTP settings,
path cost 3-192, 3-200, 4-279
path cost method 3-196, 4-274
port priority 3-200, 4-280
port/trunk loopback detection 3-190,
protocol migration 3-203, 4-290
transmission limit 3-196, 4-274