Show mvr – LevelOne FGL-2870 User Manual
Page 762

Command Line Interface
• Using immediate leave can speed up leave latency, but should only be
enabled on a port attached to one multicast subscriber to avoid disrupting
services to other group members attached to the same interface.
• Immediate leave does not apply to multicast groups which have been
statically assigned to a port.
• The immediate leave command applies to all MVR domains.
The following enables immediate leave on a receiver port.
show mvr
This command shows information about the global MVR configuration settings when
entered without any keywords, the interfaces attached to the MVR VLAN using the
interface keyword, the multicast groups assigned to the MVR VLAN using the
members keyword, or the interfaces assigned to MVR receiver groups using the
receiver-group members keyword.
show mvr [interface [interface] | members [ip-address] |
receiver-group members]
• interface
• ethernet unit/port
- unit - Stack unit. (Range: 1)
- port - Port number. (Range: 1-28/52)
• port-channel channel-id (Range: 1-8)
• ip-address - IP address for an MVR multicast group.
(Range: -
• receiver-group members - Displays interfaces assigned to the MVR
receiver groups, and the current MVR status for each group.
Default Setting
Displays global configuration settings for MVR when no keywords are used.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Command Usage
Enter this command without any keywords to display the global settings for
MVR. Use the interface keyword to display information about interfaces
attached to the MVR VLAN, the members keyword to display information
about multicast groups assigned to the MVR VLAN, or the receiver-group
members keyword to display information about multicast groups assigned to
the MVR Receiver VLAN.
Console(config)#interface ethernet 1/5
Console(config-if)#mvr immediate