LevelOne FGL-2870 User Manual
Page 193

General Security Measures
• ARP Inspection Validation – Enables extended ARP Inspection Validation if any
of the following options are enabled. (Default: Disabled)
- Dst-MAC – Validates the destination MAC address in the Ethernet header
against the target MAC address in the body of ARP responses.
- IP – Checks the ARP body for invalid and unexpected IP addresses. Sender IP
addresses are checked in all ARP requests and responses, while target IP
addresses are checked only in ARP responses.
- Src-MAC – Validates the source MAC address in the Ethernet header against
the sender MAC address in the ARP body. This check is performed on both ARP
requests and responses.
• ARP Inspection Log – Configures ARP Inspection logging parameters.
- Message Number – The maximum number of entries saved in a log message.
(Range: 0-256; Default: 5)
- Interval – The interval at which log messages are sent. (Range: 0-86400
seconds; Default: 1 second)
• Port – Port identifier. (Range: 1-28/52; Default: 1)
• Trust Status – Configures the port as trusted or untrusted. (Default: Untrusted)
• ARP Inspection Packet Rate Limit – Limits the rate of accepted ARP packets on
untrusted ports.
- Rate – The maximum number of ARP packets that can be processed by CPU
per second. (Range: 0-2048; Default: 15)
- None – Sets no limit on the number of ARP packets that can be processed by
the CPU.