Clock summer-time (date) – LevelOne FGL-2870 User Manual
Page 442

Command Line Interface
clock summer-time (date)
This command sets the start, end, and offset times of summer time (daylight savings
time) for the switch on a one-time basis. Use the no form to disable summer time.
clock summer-time name date b-month b-day b-year b-hour b-minute
e-month e-day e-year e-hour e-minute offset
no clock summer-time
• name - Name of the time zone while summer time is in effect, usually an
acronym. (Range: 1-30 characters)
• b-month - The month when summer time will begin. (Options: january |
february | march | april | may | june | july | august | september | october
| november | december)
• b-day - The day summer time will begin. (Options: sunday | monday |
tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday)
• b-year- The year summer time will begin.
• b-hour - The hour summer time will begin. (Range: 0-23 hours)
• b-minute - The minute summer time will begin. (Range: 0-59 minutes)
• e-month - The month when summer time will end. (Options: january |
february | march | april | may | june | july | august | september | october
| november | december)
• e-day - The day summer time will end. (Options: sunday | monday |
tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday)
• e-year- The year summer time will end.
• e-hour - The hour summer time will end. (Range: 0-23 hours)
• e-minute - The minute summer time will end. (Range: 0-59 minutes)
• offset - Summer time offset from the regular time zone, in minutes.
(Range: 0-99 minutes)
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
• In some countries or regions, clocks are adjusted through the summer months
so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. This is known
as Summer Time, or Daylight Savings Time (DST). Typically, clocks are
adjusted forward one hour at the start of spring and then adjusted backward
in autumn.
• This command sets the summer-time time zone relative to the currently
configured time zone. To specify a time corresponding to your local time when
summer time is in effect, you must indicate the number of minutes your
summer-time time zone deviates from your regular time zone.