FEC FUSIONE-HS-2 User Manual
Page 25

FEC FUSION Operations Manual Chapter 2: Specifications (Rev. 2.1)
Page 2-3
Duty Cycle Calculation
Duty Cycle is rated as a percentage of the time the motor is running to the time the motor is
idle. This is an important factor in determining overload protection for Servo Amplifiers and
motors as it directly relates to the amount of power or heat dissipation of the motor / servo
package. The rated duty cycle for the FUSION System is calculated as follows:
Tool Rotation Time
X 100 = Duty Cycle Percentage (%)
Total Cycle Time (Tool Rotation + Tool Waiting)
Tool Rotation Time = 3 Seconds x 100 = 25% Duty Cycle Percentage
Total Cycle Time =
12 Seconds
Duty cycle ratings vary between tools. As a general rule, however, it should not exceed 50%.
IF duty cycles remain above 60% for extended periods, a Servo Amplifier Error / Overload will
result (See abnormal CODE 8 -10)
Protection for high duty cycle is a standard feature of the
Servo Amplifier to prevent servo or motor damage.