FEC FUSIONE-HS-2 User Manual
Page 119

FEC Fusion Operations Manual Chapter 6: Fastening Instructions (Rev. 2)
Page 6-23
Reverse Functions
The Fusion system is capable of reverse operations using the reverse pushbutton on the Fusion tool
or via the PLC input at TB1 Terminal. The PLC input can be used for automated reverse operations.
The motor will reverse as long as the reverse signal or manual button is enabled.
One reverse speed is available per parameter (up to 16).
FIG. 6-4a Fusion Reverse Function
The reverse function on a stand alone SAN Unit is set with one speed setting (Reverse Speed). The
duration of the reverse would be controlled from an external source (PLC) using the “Reverse” input
or manual reverse pushbutton & trigger combination. (The Reverse pushbutton must first be enabled.
Then depress the start trigger for the desired reverse duration. Depress the Reverse pushbutton
again to disable the reverse mode)
FIG. 6-4b Tool LED Function
Reverse Speed