Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

Page 76

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System Setup

Circulation policies: who can have what and for how long

Now that you've completed setting up your circulation types and your patron

types, you're ready to take your existing circulation policies and define them in

System Setup. The circulation policies you establish in System Setup are used by

Circulation Desk to automatically monitor and control checkouts, renewals, fine

calculations, refunds, holds, and reserves.
To give you an overview, you determine a set of circulation policies based on the

patron types you created at the beginning of this chapter. For each patron type,

you assign maximum numbers for checkouts, overdues, holds/reserves, and

unpaid fines.
When a patron reaches one of the limits for his type, a block condition occurs

during the next transaction. Circulation Desk alerts you with a message. You

must address the block condition or override it with the Circulation Desk

Override password before continuing with the transaction. For more information,

see Handling block conditions during a transaction" on page 127.
You will also be creating loan periods for each patron type based on the type of

item the patron is checking out. If you did not create your circulation types in

Chapter 3, do so before establishing your circulation policies.
The following table shows an example of how patron types and circulation types

work together when you create your circulation policies:

Loan policy creationĊexample

Patron type

Circulation type

Your loan periods



FixedĊthe last day of the current semester or school year

New Books

40 days


12 hours



20 days

New Books

10 days


2 hours