Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual
Page 286

If a title already has a copy, you can choose to duplicate (replicate) the
highlighted copy after clicking Add Copy. The duplicate retains most of the
original's information and updates the Inventory Status (to Marked), Copy Status
(to Available), and Acquisition Date (to today's date).
From the Add or Edit Copy dialog you can add or update the copy's information:
Type in category numbers
(separated by commas) or
click the button to open the
Copy Categories dialog.
To alert library staff to special issues regarding this item's circulation
(e.g., a CDĆROM is included), enter the information here. This note
appears whenever this copy is accessed in Circulation Desk.
Displays the copy's
recent circulation
history and statistics
(see page 135)
You can scan or type a barcode for the copy, or click Assign Barcode. Assign Barcode assigns the next highest available barcode number
(see page 652).
To ensure accurate reports, remember to leave a space between the call number prefix and the call number,
and to define any call number prefixes you use (see page 48).
See also: To create a list of available copy barcodes, see Generating a Used or Unused Copy Barcodes Report" on page 535.
Select the one that
defines this copy's
borrowing limits. To
define new circulation
types, see page 45.
Shows the categories assigned to this copy.
Each copy can have 8 categories. To remove
a category, highlight it and click Remove.
Shows categories that can be assigned to this copy. To assign a category,
highlight it and click Add. For more information on categories, see page 52.
Bibliographic information.
The call number is taken
from the default call numĆ
ber location you selected
in Setup (see page 47).
Refers to an area in
the library or building
If the copy requires
enumeration (Volume,
Issue, Number, Year,
etc.), select or enter the
descriptions here, and
then enter the number.
If there is something unique about this particular
copy (e.g., the author signed this copy), enter
that information here. This note only appears in
the Copy Status windows of Circulation Desk.
Every copy must have a unique barcode and a call number. Use the remainder of
the fields as needed. After entering the appropriate copy information, click Save.