Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual
Page 622

nonholdable copies See illegal holds.
Novell A registered trademark of Novell, Inc., a manufacturer of networking software.
ODBC Abbreviation of Open DataBase Connectivity, a standard database access method
developed by Microsoft Corporation. The goal of ODBC is to make it possible to access
any data from any application, regardless of the database management system (DBMS)
handling the data. ODBC works by inserting a middle layer, called a database driver,
between an application and the DBMS. The purpose of this layer is to translate the
application's data queries into commands that the DBMS understands. For this to
work, both the application and the DBMS must be ODBC-compliant; that is, the
application must be capable of issuing ODBC commands, and the DBMS must be
capable of responding to them.
onĆdemand data sharing Accessed through Selected Database Sources in Cataloging, it lets DX members search
for, and save down, MARC records in the union catalog database. The Follett Data ExĆ
change Server provides the communication link.
OPAC An Online Public Access Catalog. A computer application for locating materials in a
library. Used by patrons to search the library's database from a search station. OPACs
have replaced card-based catalogs in many libraries.
path The route to a file through a file system.
The portion of a URL that identifies the location of a folder containing file. Typically
preceded by a single forward slash (/).
parallel port See printer port.
partnering When a union catalog and member site share updated MARC and copy information
through Follett Data Exchange Server.
patron barcode A barcode used to identify your individual patrons.
Patron Maintenance A Follett Software module in Circulation Plus that allows the user to create, import,
export, update, and delete patron records.
patron type A grouping designation given to like patrons. Patron Maintenance comes with two
default types: Student and Faculty. You can create as many patron types as you need;
e.g., Aide, Student Volunteer, Juniors, Seniors.
pending hold After a patron places a hold, the hold remains pending until the item is returned.
When the item is returned, the pending hold becomes a ready hold.
peripheral A computer accessory used for input and/or output operations; e.g., CD-ROM drive.
PHD Portable Handheld Device. A barcode scanner that collects, stores, and transmits data.
You can use a PHD to simplify certain circulation, cataloging, inventory, and reporting
activities. Circulation Plus and Catalog Plus currently support four PHD models:
PHD+, PHD+ II, PHD Laser+, and the PHD Dolphin+.
phrase A combination of words used in a keyword search that appear near one another in the
searchable fields of a title record. The words that make up a phrase can be separated
by a single space or stop word or words. Example: President of the United States.
physical description A term referring to the 300 tag in a MARC record. This tag contains information on the
item's dimensions and other physical details.
physical carrier A tangible medium on which electronic data or resources are stored; e.g., floppy disk.
Power search A keyword search in Cataloging, OPAC, and WebCollection Plus that uses up to three
words or phrases, and can include wildcard characters, Boolean operators, and the
selection of search fields to narrow or expand a search.