Considerations for non-dx members and unions, Considerations for nonćdx members and unions – Follett VERSION 6.00 User Manual

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Chapter 6 Building your union


nonĆDX members' full records before importing any brief records. You also

need a general idea of the quality of each member's MARC records and

attempt to import the highest quality records first:
1. Have your nonĆDX members export all their full records and then export

all their brief records. Make certain they include copies with both and

indicate which export file is which.

2. Once you have the records from all your members and have decided

which files to import first, you can import them into your union catalog

database through Cataloging. For instructions, see page 295. Make

certain to select the options to skip existing MARC records and barcodes,

unless you want the imported records to overwrite records in the union

catalog database. If you're not certain that your nonĆDX members set up

a MARC Organization Code before exporting, choose the option to

Assign copies to member," and then click Select member to choose the

appropriate member.


If you have search stations for the union catalog OPAC, there are many

features you can customize. For details, see Chapter 33, Setting up your

search stations."


Prior to v4.x of the Follett applications, vendors were identified by a code. As

of v4.x, each vendor can be identified by a 30Ćcharacter description instead.

If you want to replace vendor codes with descriptions, use Cataloging's

Global Update Copy. For instructions, see page 326.

Considerations for nonĆDX members and unions

If your union catalog isn't using data exchange for some or all of your members,

you'll periodically need to update their holdings if you want to maintain an

accurate union catalog. Either of the following options requires some extra effort

and cooperation on the part of both the union catalog and the nonĆDX members:


Have your nonĆDX members export their records (with copies) by Title Date

Added/Updated on a regular basis and send you the file to import.

However, importing this file won't reflect any copies that have been removed

from the member's collection. Ask your nonĆDX members to track and report

any copies they delete. Cataloging does generate an exception report with a

barcode whenever a copy is deleted; you could suggest that your members

save these reports and send them to you with the import file. You could then

delete these holdings from the union catalog database.


Have your nonĆDX members periodically export all their records (with

copies) and send you the file. You could then export all their holdings,

selecting the Delete Titles/Copies After Export option (see page 317), and

repeat the build process (see the bullets on page 112). If you choose this

option, remember that you want to import the highest quality records first.